Appointment Confirmed in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • May 29, 2019, 11:36 p.m.
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I officially have an appointment scheduled with my old therapist! The receptionist called me back this morning, and it was kind of a disheveled conversation, but I got me scheduled. She said that my therapist agreed to see previous clients on Thursday (tomorrow) or she would be starting Mondays/Tuesdays next week. I was like “oh, she told me she wasn’t starting Mondays/Tuesday until June the 10th. The lady was like “You know, you’re the second person who’s told me that now, so that’s just what I’m going to go with now.” Then she told me what her availability was on the 10th, and my prized 7pm time slot was already taken! 6pm was open though, so I snatched that up. It’ll be a tighter squeeze after work, but I won’t have to miss work for it. With that time slot nabbed up, I didn’t see the point in seeing her tomorrow as well because, ya know, “since I’ve waited this long”.

Then I asked her if there were intake forms I needed to fill out because my therapist had told me I’d need to fill out intake forms before coming in. She said that she was told not to hand out intake forms to former clients and that she checked the box saying that she didn’t give me intake forms. Then she said that if things changed and she was told differently, she would e-mail me the forms. Le sigh.

But I do have an appointment. We’ll see how this goes. Still slightly erring on the side of emotional caution with how I feel about jumping back into therapy.

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