Therapist Update in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • April 10, 2019, 7:38 p.m.
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So a little update regarding the therapist situation. She has since explained a little more and is communicating with me better via e-mail. It didn’t help that the news hit Friday and then there was the weekend, so I didn’t hear anything back until after the weekend....because weekend. After I e-mailed her back saying that I found someone to talk to tomorrow (Thursday night) because I really just need someone to process this news with in person, she e-mailed me back with an apology about how poorly this was handled and stated that she was 1 in 5 therapists at the location who fell casualty to illegal and inethical things happening there. All 5 therapists were completely blindsided and this affected over 150 patients who were equally blindsided. I did notice that in the past couple of months their staff was decreasing exponentially, but because she never said anything other than “We recently lost all of our front office staff, so I’m handling my own scheduling now”, I never thought anything more of it and just figured they were trying to save operating costs.

In her e-mail, she stated that liked that I found someone to talk to in the meantime while she gets more info/updates on her end. I replied and thanked her for the additional explanation because I didn’t have any real explanation to go off of other than she needed to abruptly leave to protect herself and her future. so my mind was aimlessly wandering over all imaginative theories. My favorite theory that i came up with was that she slept with a client and was reported. I definitely didn’t tell her that though. But when given abrupt and super limited info, the mind tends to create its own stories!

So that’s the update on that. I was mostly appreciate of the apology about how poorly it was handled (and it was) and thanked her the additional explanation, communication and updates. So we’ll see.

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