more modification and ugh cardio in my challenge

  • Feb. 14, 2014, 9:09 a.m.
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i really hate cardio. i cannot stress this enough. i never really saw any results. i mean sure they had to exist. but it wasn't like the results i get from weight training. i've been disappointed with the core results. everything else on me has made even a small margin or progress. i know the core is the hardest thing to do. it wasn't even feeling sore. other parts had a bit of soreness (the good kind) but the cardio has only been providing joint pain (the bad kind). after hitting up a few message boards and talking to people about what i might be doing wrong, it was brought to my attention that i should probably try the deluxe p90x3 package. it has more core workouts and it eliminates one day in place of double sessions twice a week. so i took a look at it and then went and upgraded. i watched a bunch of the deluxe exercises and the deluxe schedule, it made more sense. it was a bit more what i wanted. sure i'd have to do an hour twice a week, but i'd get sunday off. i already found it difficult to workout on the weekends. i'm planning on starting it monday. i ended up doing the ab workout after my normal one. i got very excited about it. i had literally finished my workout, showered and was going to eat dinner, instead i got my core workout on. today i feel it, i'm so happy about that. pretty much from my thighs to my chest burns with the good kind of soreness. its all about learning and modifying. i'm still all about this workout program, i'm going to keep up with this. plus i'm keeping the right mix of angry, excited and routine. which can be the hardest part.

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