Can't shake the crabby - Venting entry in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • Jan. 28, 2019, 8:53 p.m.
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Its been like what? Six, seven months? Guys I’m just having a crabby day, but I feel like, overall, things are going really well in my life.

Most of my crabby is work related. but like its making things that SHOULDN’T irritate me, irritate me. like this morning’s kickboxing class irritated me because the person who was instructing the class was the owner, not one of the usual instructors. And lets just say, just because he owns the business, doesn’t mean he’s the best instructor. he spent sooooo much time talking during the warmup stretching that the last part of the class had to be cut off because he ran out of time. dude, i came here to sweat, not get my sweat time cut off because you feel like chit chatting. shouldn’t annoy me as much as it did.

and then after kickboxing, but before i got to work, my boss texted me and asked if I had started a certain project. I wanted to reply and say something like “fucktard, if you came into the office more than 4 times a year, you’d know i started that weeks ago and am almost finished.” instead I replied “yes”.

i’ve been trying to find other jobs. I’ve interviewed for a couple, but no bites. I even made it past the initial stage of interviewing a couple times, but could never win em over. I took a brief pause from the job search after the last rejection, because it hit my confidence hard and going into another interview in such a state wouldn’t have done me any good.

I’ve been casually dating also. I got some good stories from those also. Although, becuase this is a ranty entry, I gotta say the one common denominator I’m finding with all the singles I’ve went on dates with is this: bad teeth. like is it really that hard to find a person with good teeth nowadays? I’m not talking picture perfect teeth, I’m talking mostly aligned and not rotting.

But i don’t want to be in a committed relationship. I just want casual.

I am rediscovering old loves though. I went skiing on New Years day and that was super rejuvenating to my soul. That day on the mountain did me wonders. Its just sooooo expensive here. I’m super glad i went though. I also just bought some inline skates because i want to get back into rollerblading. there are good parks around here to do that in and its cheaper than skiing. they are currently out for delivery. I’m looking forward to strapping those on my feet after work. Even though it’ll be dark by the time I get home.

I also adopted a kitten the day before christmas eve! She’s super crazy and attention-craving, but i love her! its so funny how a now 5 pound fluff ball can make an apartment feel small all of a sudden. I am now at my 2 pet max though, so no more pets for me for the foreseeable future. Probably good to have a max for a person like me.

I really want to start writing in here regularly again. I am going to try.

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