Joshua's staying the night.... yeah in Second 1st

  • Dec. 31, 2018, 12:34 p.m.
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The weekend went okay. I’m crediting the 10 hour sleep I got Thursday night for a fairly smooth weekend. I didn’t feel bad till about 5 on Sunday and I think that was only because I was paired with someone who talks a lot.

This morning I’ve already done laundry and am about to start dishes… I’ve also eaten and read up on here. :)

Jerry asked me this weekend about training on parts of our machine I don’t know. I told him I wouldn’t bother if I were him. Me not really knowing what I’m doing day to day I wouldn’t want to rely on me. Told him I’d like to stay inspection and parts pretty much.

Mom, David and Joshua are coming out some time today. Joshua is staying the night and I haven’t set up the cot mom sent last week :(. I would say I meant to but I’m not sure when I would have done it. I don’t really know where we will set it up. I know he has issues so honestly it may be best to set it up in our room .... but.... that doesn’t help with any issue. If I set it up in the back room … there is room and it’s directly across the hall from our room.... he should be fine… we will see.

Whenever they get here they plan on helping with a list again. I didn’t make a new one but we haven’t followed up on any of the things we started last time. So, I have new head lights for my car that need to be installed. I have a bolt for a thing for the fence. I have the part for the washer.... and after that I want them to pick a movie to go watch. I bought them gift certificates for AMC (25) and Olive Garden (50) because I know they don’t get time to go out with Joshua. So with us having him tonight I’d like them to have time for them. Movie, dinner, nice evening the 2 of them at home and to bed early so they can catch up on some sleep. Mom says Joshua has been waking up in the night for no real reason.... just wakes up and it ruins everyone’s sleep.

Rocky apparently had asked for today off because New Years..... i didn’t know that until last night when I came home and he was at the neighbors house getting drunk. I went to bed without him I didn’t care.

Welp, stuff to do. I need to locate the part for the washer and the piece for the fence. I’ll try to get the fence fixed and maybe start on the lights to my car before they get here.... though I have no real idea when that will be. My guess is 9:30-10:00.... I mean honestly I’d be all about leaving him as early as possible lol

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