‘Morning Things’ in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 12/14/2018 7:35 a.m.

  • Dec. 14, 2018, 1 a.m.
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‘Morning Things’ and other things!

Friday morning and I had a struggler to get out of bed, it’s my duvet it keeps me nicely warm in a short time, sleep comes over me the treble is the duvet rapping round my legs; getting out of bed I like my feet hit the floor first!

I’m yet to hit the floor at the wrong end first, Its worst when the Post man is early, post ladies are rear in Truro; getting into my dressing gown means the post man – lady is disappearing and I have a note saying ‘pick up from the Sorting Office’

Waking was easy but now it is a push which end, perhaps it is all these test will be a pick up in the long (pause to yearn) toast and coffee I’m up and out with a list. We have finished my first batch of nineteen mince pies, the first time I’ve made pastry and only three mince pies slicked to the pie-tin; and they were ok; I took some to the Support Group and no one said no to a second or third.

Our Christmas Support Group meeting was rather poor, there were two people to support just me, since Kate’s heart attack the numbers have declined on three times it was just me there, it is now eighteen months after Kate’s last time she was at the group; I’m sure Kate will be not back.

Kate was the power of the Support Group, and was a part of our lives the Men running now do there best, the last meeting was them asking me that happen went wrong, I gave them my thought and they came down to your are not Kate; and its a hard thing to tell two men doing there best.

12:34 GMT 14:12:2018

Last updated December 14, 2018

Marg December 14, 2018

It's always really difficult when someone who was the lynchpin of a group disappears and others try their best to step in their shoes.
I answered the door the other day to the driver from the pharmacy
holding my top together with my hands in a desperate fashion and had to apologise - it has a zip up the front and I just could not get it to zip up in time and was terrified he'd disappear!

NorthernSeeker December 16, 2018

Now that I live in the apartment building the parcel either fits in our mailbox or we go to pick them up. Those are the only two choices.

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