cardio, cardio, blurg more cardio in my challenge

  • Feb. 12, 2014, 11:10 a.m.
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so its been cardio all week. i really hate cardio. there are some of the exercises i can't keep up with. they are difficult to pull off. usually its just weird push up variations or something that drops in to plank and makes you jump up. some of that is due to my mat occasionally slipping when i do all this jumping around. its tough but i can get through it. today is yoga, which for the most part i know i can get through. the diet change up is slowly happening. if i can make my lunch a little healthier i'd be all set. i am having a tough time with this, but i will get through it. i am running on auto pilot at times with it so that's good i suppose. i think i just need to see results to make me feel good about this. but it mostly happens in chunks and i am only trying to weigh myself once a month. unlike my shoulders, arms, chest and legs i can't see near immediate change in my core. the change in the other areas has slowed as well. its a little disheartening, but i know its more a matter of continuing it, i will see results in spite of myself. i also just need to stay angry. i can do this.

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