so yeah in life stuff and misc.

  • Feb. 7, 2014, 11:27 p.m.
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  • Public

I'm now trying my best to actually take advantage of the prosebox format and I've shuffled my journal out into poetry, idea barrages, song parodies and a catch-all for life stuff and other kinds of writing, essays, short fiction, stuff just about me, etc.

We'll see how this works.

I'm a damnable creature of habit and I'm still getting used to these new digs.

auburn_girl February 07, 2014

You'll appreciate it in the long run. Promise!

Squidobarnez February 08, 2014

yeah, this place is taking some getting used to, but so far it's feeling more and more like a home-ish kind of place. we just have to keep on keepin' on.


dancing in plastic February 13, 2014

For someone with so many writing mediums, I think this is perfect for you!

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