No Rest for the Criminally Insane in I Never Felt So Low

  • Aug. 25, 2018, 5:57 p.m.
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So, today I feel really good which is odd for me. It’s a feeling that I do not get very often.

I wanna talk about the music I am working on and how I am an awkward person.

Alright, so real quick cause I gotta go shower:

I met this girl named Dee. We share many of the similar interests and finally I think I have a local female friend who is non-romantic (cannot spell it for the life of me and I’m not on my phone so fuck it).

Her and me starting talking and she helped me and my mom out with something spiritual. She texts me out of the blue the same day we met and asked me to a party where some band would playing. I said sure. Why the fuck not? I haven’t been to a party in a number of years and I wanted to get drunk and be reckless for a night.

Anyway, so, I go to the party. There are so many people there but luckily I bump into this guy who is just as awkward as me. He tells me Dee invited him too. She invited quite a few of us because she wanted us to meet. I haven’t really hung out with them since but I want to.

Okay, back on track, we hung out most of the night. I noticed that many people form their little cliques and really rarely does one person go around to every group in the party. I was kinda of that guy. Cause I would flutter around and observe others.

I observed a lot of stuff that I can talk about later because at the moment, I do not have time. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

The party was at this fancy house in the Gables. There was art all of the walls that he did and some photography that he didn’t do, but his friends did. So there was on of a naked woman on the beach. The waves hitting her body. It was her ass, thighs focused piece. Which I thought was a bold move to place that in the living room.

He had many paintings of women which lead me to believe that the owner of the house was a total pervert but like in a good way. He loved women and he loved to express that through his art. I legit was alright with it.

The owner of the house, Danny, is in a band. So he is there playing music with Kevin (the bassist) and some other guy who was a singer-guitarist.

Now, the band was done. I met Danny for the first time. He was also a medium and Dee is his best friend (I dunno if they still are cause last Dee spoke to me, she was having issues with Danny’s ex and was afraid that the relationship was toxic). I do not believe their relationship to be toxic but that’s only what I can observe on the outside.

Ok, so fast forward.. the band is setting up to play more music but they need a drummer cause their drummer couldn’t make it. I foolishly go “I play drums” to Dee. Because at this point I had enough alcohol and weed in me to make a nun blush. I’m different when I’m that level of intoxicated.

Dee is all excited and takes me to Danny. She literally put me on display and was like “DJ CAN PLAY DRUMS!”

I was mortified. But there was this part of me that was so excited to play on stage in front of an auidence. I hadn’t done that before. I was in many bands but it never got to the stage where we got a chance to play on stage. The reason for that is there is a lot of practice that comes before you are ready to take a stage. The bands I was in did not survive the whole getting to know you and see if we can jam good together phase of the whole thing. Fellow musicians know what I am on about.

So there I am, playing fucking drums with a band. I’m playing some covers and fucking up starting the fucking songs so that’s on a recording somewhere. Cool. I do great once the song is going and I get into it. I have to really get into it and feel the music. Which is why I play barefoot.

I play about an hour with them. I play some covers and I did some drums for their songs. Which they said they were going to tell their drummer to listen to me so that he can change what he does on their songs cause my version sounded better. I kept the beat and the whole thing going better. If I was better at counting off and starting songs, they may have fired their drummer for me. That’s how good I was. So good that he said he wanted to do another project called “the Chase” with ME! I was shocked because this never happens! I am usually in the background and people do not notice me much besides maybe my vest because it has pins all over it. I will share pictures later. If you wanna know more about me you can look me up on FB or Google me or whatever tf you want. My name is DJ Lopez Draschner. Ok.

So. um. I play. It felt great. I came off the stage like a different man. Women were eyeing me now. It was so uncomfortable tbh. Apparently, Dee’s friends were asking if I was single. Which I told her I was but that I was in a poly break with MJ. I told her that me and her are poly but we aren’t officially back together. I’m an honest man. To my word.

So we shall see. Maybe I can score some more friends who are women because I need women’s advice. It’s so different from men. And then like Enby people also give great advice so like I need an Enby friend too! Ugh. lol Anyone in Miami fit this and wanna be friends?

Ok. I gotta go. I’ll write more later about the awkwardness and how I am with Danny and Kevin.

Later for now!

Leanne 🌈 August 25, 2018

This line cracked me the fuck up. "I had enough alcohol and weed in me to make a nun blush." Dude ya rocked it out all good :)

Manic Robot Boi 🤖 Leanne 🌈 ⋅ August 29, 2018

LOL glad you got a kick outta that line

Leanne 🌈 Manic Robot Boi 🤖 ⋅ August 29, 2018


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