Four Weeks Now. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 07/15/2018 5:02 a.m.

  • July 14, 2018, 10 p.m.
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It is near four weeks of hot summer, no promissed funder thank doogness, Ziggy can’t take thunder Lola sleeps though it. We are keeping the dogs water bowels full, and I’m keeping up my water levers up, in Athins once the weather was very hot for Athins summers; every were we had a drink they gave us a large glass of cool water.

Me were told people well dieding in the heat.

Cournwall is not up to Athins heat levels, but the hoidays in Cornwall must be going high, ice cream must be saling well, I’ve bought a few ice creams but more drinks cold water; have a look!!

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It was very hot when we moved into Cornwall, when we moved in Grampound Road it was hot; I wounder if it well hot when we move to Truro in a few weeks.

15:07:2018 One O Clock BST.

Last updated July 15, 2018

Marg July 17, 2018

That looks so refreshing!

jamez Marg ⋅ July 19, 2018

It's still hot, now we are getting sone rain and more cloud cover, I'm still using those ice bags; mostly two in the freezer. I'm feeling the hot so I think it good for the holiday families.

Marg jamez ⋅ July 19, 2018

Yes it will be. I could get used to all that sunshine though!

NorthernSeeker July 18, 2018

That is an amazing photo of the ice cubes! Well done you.

jamez NorthernSeeker ⋅ July 19, 2018

There all gone now, some are just water nice and cold and some with Orange with the cold water. Our weather as chaned a little, its still hot but we have rain and more cloud cover; I'm still mading ice.

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