Cracked Millennials in Book Five: Working Through the Maze 2018

  • May 2, 2018, 3:16 p.m.
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So people that I deeply care about and respect in my world and in this world have been quick to accept news stories that paint Millennials (particularly) in a bad light. Unfortunately, “Fake News” of this nature has been around forever. Do you remember the “deadly video game binges” that were killing kids? Or the “lethal new method of getting drunk called butt chugging?” Or the “rainbow parties?” The news has been taking small stories of isolated incidences and stating them as “Youth Trends” for years and years. So… here are some Cracked Memes to discuss some of what has been hitting the news recently:

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hippiechica15 May 02, 2018

And they can't even get the generations correct...Millennials were all born by or before the year 2000 (wikipedia says the cut off is anywhere from 1996-2000 depending on whose defining it.) So these teens they're complaining about are actually Gen Z.

The Tide Pod thing makes me laugh, because I remembered the Onion article being spurred on by Chuck Schumer bringing up a bill about them (I think The Daily Show did a segment about it), and everyone going "who the hell would think this is candy?!" So when it popped up again I figured "Ahhh, the general population doesn't understand internet humor!"

Pretend Mulling May 02, 2018

Fox News (or, as I call it, Faux News) reported all of the Millennial-bashing stories. Color me the opposite of surprised.

rhizome May 02, 2018

i'm happy someone is making factual memes like this.

Deleted user May 02, 2018

All pretty much ridiculous.

four leaf clover May 03, 2018

I cant see what you posted for some reason- I'm on my phone.

But yeah everyone is like- 'ugh millenials...' when they're talking about teenagers. Who are not millenials!

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