Probus Twice. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 04/28/2018 10:20 a.m.

  • April 27, 2018, midnight
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  • Public

Probus, Cornwall UK.

I’m not hipping very much these days, my right hip is giving my pain, and there many with hip problems; we the people with walking stick and a walk with a gait. Of late I’ve been into the out of the Surgery the last months, ageing seems to be an venture into one’s own body!

I’ve been to Probus twice this week to the Surgery; I planed my trip on Monday to have time to look at a possible home then a fish dinner before seeing the Doctor. The walk to see the house was a waist of time, the map on the agents was wrong; so I had a painful walk back! On the walk I saw antique shop with all doors open, in side it was full of every thing you could think of all; all covered in dust so I went on cuffing ………

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When I got to the Fish & Chip it was closed, thinking I thought most of them are closed on Monday’s; I spent a hour in the grounds of a Church with a packet of crisps.

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I spent ten minutes with a Lady Doctor new to me, the Probus Surgery seems to have an endless supplies you are happy to see, I told her about my pains in my right hip, and I have pain in bed, She gave my a second pack of Co-Dydramol, I was told there are side effects; the effect was to come.

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In two day’s one effect was showing, I had a chat with a Doctor by phone, and it was nothing; you will know ……..

Wednesday and I was back in Probus, I went to the Surgery, there was rush so I went slowly leaning on my walking stick. I waited a little then I was given a rather large box with ‘Laxido’

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I had near an hour until the bus come and the Fish & Chip shop was open, When I arrived I was leaning hefty on my stick and swaged into F&C shop. There were no tales or seat so I ordered a small bag of chips, in the corner I noticed sturdy box, as the Lady was passing over me chips I asked if I could seat there; she looked round and look a the box – she said yes.

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The chips were very nice, crisp and hot and smelt of vinegar and salt; it was some time sconce I had Fish & Chip chips. In me corner I enjoyed the chips, no weight on me hip –bliss. Finished I told the Lady her ‘chips were very nice and crispy – and thanked her for her kindness’

16:19 BST 28:04:2018

Last updated April 28, 2018

Marg April 29, 2018

Glad you were able to rest while you had your chips! These are lovely photos.

NorthernSeeker April 29, 2018

What a lovely photo of the daisies on top of the stone wall! I can just imagine the smell of chips and vinegar. Yum. Your hip must be killing you.

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