The-New-Week in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 04/16/2018 9:41 p.m.

  • April 15, 2018, 6 a.m.
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I see the old men are out on the road once more, the Stones are doing what they do best, pull in the fans in to a grand gig; I wonder if the ladies say ‘that’s that the guys are not hanging around the house’

One old album is sold 45 million records, CD’s and tapes, the third selling album is ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ it is still the shops after 46 years. More old men and two still doing what they do best; the great Pink Floyd, David Gilmour and Roger Waters working, Nick Mason driving Ferrari’s no bus passes for Nick.

Syd Barrett and Richard Wright alas not with is use.

This old’ish man has taken out his walking stick, my right hip remembered me it needed some work, I was told some years ago I will need some new parts. It has slowing me dawn over resent years, in Truro I was made aware of the shortage of seats in the city.

I will see a Doctor on the 23rd of April, and more powerful tablets will be sent to me, if they work that will be fine for me, shopping was terrible in Truro, the more I walked the wrest it got! I will be in the Post Office every day until those tablets are in my hand.

Age has it problems but the other are to be put off as long as you can ........................

11:48 BST 16:04:2018

Last updated April 16, 2018

Marg April 17, 2018

Old age is not for cissies! Sorry about your hip - hope the tablets come soon!

NorthernSeeker April 19, 2018

Music is a balm that helps me get through rough days. Sounds like you are the same.

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