Fall time is here .... in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 03/07/2018 10:50 p.m.

  • March 7, 2018, 6 a.m.
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My wife’s flowers have come to fall after three weeks, two days ago they had some red still in them, now they are a very deep red. Three or four days before there was still a little red, not today tomorrow I must take them out, I can more in April, I must not tell a number.

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I was in Tesco’s with Easter Eggs around me, every one is saying it early this year, there was a Tesco Lady felling the shelves with chocolate eggs, I asked her when in is Easter Sunday expecting a date in March, my birthday is in late March so Easter is early if its before my birthday; not so it is ‘All Fools Days’ the first of April.

Eggs at Easter as passed for us, mainly after 2015. My Son will be at home, my Daughter away with the boyfriend walking! So our Easter will be quiet expect for the dogs, and they can’t have chocolate; but one of our Westie’s did eat a Easter Egg with out any events expect that we were rather out of Easter Egg our Daughter had bought for me and Gill.

22:50 GMT 07:03:2018

Last updated March 07, 2018

jamez March 08, 2018

I've just looked it up, the Tesco Lady was right the first of April, Easter has been infront of my birthday and a few times, 29 March 1951. We have a bright spring morning but we still have a cold brezze, but it is better than last week - snow, I like autumn with all the colours; spring is cool the warming takes a while, there is colour then a gap until summer; I hope you are enjoy a nice autumn with the colours.

NorthernSeeker March 09, 2018

Has Cornwall warmed up a bit since that blast of winter hit England?

Marg March 11, 2018

You're the fourth person I know who will be 67 this year! Three ladies in my family were born that same year - obviously a very good vintage😄

Deleted user March 12, 2018

Easter does come early this year and I need to look up how they decide the date .

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