but i. ok. well it's not her fault. in 2017. got it.

Revised: 07/16/2018 11:44 p.m.

  • Oct. 22, 2017, 7:48 a.m.
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  • Public

ok so back when we were talking about it ‘it’ being scheduling which was the.......um the 9th. i thought valerie said something about the 22nd. which is today. I thought she’d told me she couldn’t do, the 22nd. as in that wouldn’t work for her.
Well she emailed me [earlier] and the subject of the email was ‘10/22’ being.today and it eludes to the fact that she’ll see me.today. but........i.no. I thought we’d scheduled for next Sun. and then the wk er day i mean the day and then the day after. So I textmailed her and told her I’d see her tom., next Sun. and the following day. The main reason I’m doing this is cause i’m not prepared, financially so.........yeah. hopefully. and i hate not being prepared/organised. it’s not her fault i’m not prepared.

Last updated July 16, 2018

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