a21 in idea barrages

  • Aug. 21, 2017, 10:20 p.m.
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  • Public

1.) LOVE “the director’s crazy” so bad its good. HATE “ironic-intentional” so bad its good. MISS “rushing it out/not trying” so bad its good.

2.) Half of being creative is paying attention but out of the corner of your eye and turning the flitting misinterpretations into story-seeds.

3.) To take anyone in the Putin-tainted intercept/wikileaks sphere as operating in good faith now is beyond laughable.

4.) I’m probably never gonna wake up one morning with the solution, the path, the way but I’ll keep waking up each morning, just in case.

5.) Dude who structured his entire career around taking pictures of starlet feet turned out to be running around on his wife? The HELL you say.

6.) I kind of love how “bro” has become the deepest insult you can slip into a statement.

7.) Swede Caroline (BORK BORK BORK!) I can’t understand a word (NO WORDS, NO WORDS, NO WORDS)

8.) Is the scientific study of carbonated drinks “fizzyology”?

Squidobarnez August 22, 2017


Ginger Snap August 25, 2017

8 is great!

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