‘Now where are the batteries’ in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 07/11/2017 12:02 p.m.

  • July 11, 2017, 1 a.m.
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  • Public

‘The only thing to work an batteries is my radeo’

Tuesday began quiet bar the rain outside, my aged alarm clock was going on and off, the power was down an I was told it went of abut five; the early five! So I had sleep through my printer sorting its self out when the power went go on, not a quiet progress, then the power was off a second time.

The power was out for an hour, so no coffee but the bran-flakes with milk, just as will I cant drink milk hot; yuck! The dogs food was put up last light, an other thing served cold. Our weather is serving a day of wet and cold, there was one thing with the cold air, I remembered the last gift from Fathers Dad, and box of Thorntons Classic milk, dark and white chocolates; I don’t enjoy chocolate as much in hot weather.

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My one job now is to stop eating them, so there will be chocolates to offer some for my kids; I have to remind the dogs that real chocolate is bad for you two ‘what us’ is the look on Lola’s face.

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Near tea time and our weather is still in a bad mood, still there are 11 chocolates remain ………..!

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16:05BST 11:07:2017

Last updated July 12, 2017

Marg July 12, 2017

I'm glad you left the gooey caramel and creamy fudge ones for me - that was decent of you!😄

Deleted user July 13, 2017

That is funny !

NorthernSeeker July 14, 2017

I like this entry. What a great way to capture your preferences. I swear that chocolates in a box call my name. They are very hard to resist.

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