Losing my mind in The ugly truth about making babies

  • June 22, 2017, 12:36 p.m.
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We had our follow up ivf appointment. We start meds 15/17 August, with a view to collection on 6th September and transfer 8/11 September. I should know whether it’s worked by 20th ish September.

Fuck me it’s so real. I got all the feels. I’ve cried like a baby for like an hour. I hate feeling like a failure and like I’m letting people down and that is my absolute fear.

When I’m being realistic I know it’s not me who’s failing at all, it’s just something that happens but everyone wants this so much for us. Everyone is so invested.

Jesus. It’s happening.


TrippyNina June 22, 2017

I'm sending love, light and positive juju your way!!!!!!!!

Camdengirl June 22, 2017

Oh how exciting! It's probably just the relief of jumping all those hurdles!

*moonglow* June 22, 2017

Sending love xx

I need tea. June 23, 2017


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