finishing in Random Thoughts

  • May 19, 2017, 3:10 p.m.
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I don’t know the title of this entry yet.

Lately i’ve been focused on finishing projects. I completed two knitting projects- a lace shawl made with a cashmere wool blend, and a two color cowl that was part of a Portland yarn crawl knit-a-long. Currently i am working on finishing a soft red alpaca bolero, but i think it is going to be too big and end up belonging to someone else. I have one more unfinished knitting project- a beautiful set of fingerless mittens.

I have so many books that i am reading. I haven’t been like this in a long while. A book of prose and poetry by Sherman Alexie, that Harry Potter book that is a play, a YA fantasy novel, two yoga philosophy books, and two other books that have been on the wayside for months.

Our school is amidst state testing, and for me (i teach 4 grade levels) that means i end up not teaching for the whole morning for a whole month, because i have to take small groups of my students who need a smaller, quieter environment to work. It’s exhausting.

Last week i drove for Lyft like mad, trying to get a bonus they were offering- get a minimum of 15 rides and if you don’t make $220, they will cover the difference. Unfortunately i mid-read the date and thought i had an extra day. I thought i would get an extra $70 to cover, but i was wrong. Boo. But oh well. It’s extra cash, which is nice.

I’m working toward my story, but i don’t know if i am ready.

Well my students will be here soon and it’s the first time ive taught a real day in a while.

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