Heart breaking in just testing

  • May 3, 2017, 2:18 a.m.
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Me and my sis were bullshitting in front of my mom’s house and a jeep drive ny and we hear a loud noise, almost like a heavy mat hitting the ground. It was too dark to really see what happened.

The jeep stops, the guys get out and go back in the street to check, right in front of my parents house. They look at the street a bit and get back in their car and leave.

Me and my sis were like… What was that, did they throw something out of their cat? Did a piece fall off their car? My sister goes to check.

It’s a cat. It was bad. She said it was bloody, it’s eyes were popped out of its head, there was no saving it. She was crying and said she felt like vomiting.

Then the idea came to me that it could be the neighbors cat. They let their cat out regularly but i couldn’t remember what iut looked like.

I went next door… 9 pm… to ask if they’re cat was in tonight. The wife was the only one home and she didn’t know for sure so she went to check.... and it was her cat.

She was sobbing, it was awful. She picked it up from the street and took it to her driveway. She was on her knees sobbing. I stayed a bit feeling awkward because we’re not close, at all, but i didn’t know what to do.

She was saying how that cat was her young daughters best friend and she didn’t know how she was going to tell her.

In the end she reached her husband on the phone and they decided to bury him in their yard. She thanked me, cause imagine if they didn’t see it till the next morning. Imagine if another car had hit it or animals had got to it.

I left her on her driveway cause her husband was on the way.

That was heartbreaking and the main reason why i will never let my cats outside voluntarily. No set of circumstances will ever change my mind. I don’t want that to ever be me.

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