Distress. in Distress

  • Jan. 20, 2017, 6:51 p.m.
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I was called out as being “unpatriotic” before I’d finished my coffee this morning. I’ll wear it. I was told I was “disrespectful.” I was compared to a flag burner. I was compared to these idiot athletes who take a knee during while the Star Spangled Banner, our National Anthem plays. So be it.

Why? Because I changed my profile picture on Facebook to the American Flag in distress. When the flag is flown upside down, it is an officially recognized symbol of dire distress and should only be flown this way in times of extreme danger to life or property.

You’ll have to excuse me. I think putting the greatest arsenal of world-killing weapons in the hands of a narcissistic, egomaniacal, thin-skinned autocrat who believes every slight must be answered in kind and one-upped is a good indicator of dire danger.

I would call him a madman if I didn’t sincerely and fully believe that he suffers from several very real and very potent mental illnesses. It is not my intention to make jokes at the expense of those who suffer from mental illness. I want to support them. For their sake and my own, I also do not want them in charge of nuclear weapons until they are able to control their moods and minds.

This isn’t about politics. Not as in, Democrat or Republican. I lived through George W. Bush’s presidency. I know, as a country, we can get through 4 or even 8 years of government dominated by a party I do not believe in anymore. I do not know if we can survive Trump though.

It is about many of the issues. It is about my unwillingness to allow the president of my country make Muslims wear gold stars…or would it be star and crescent? It’s about my unwillingness to allow a misogynist to deny women rights over their own bodies. It’s about the idiocy of a wall as an answer to illegal immigration and about punishing the children of those who broke laws so their kids could grow up in that beacon on a hill.

It’s about making sure the people of my country have the right to affordable healthcare and that the right to live through curable diseases and ailments is not the privilege of the wealthy. It’s about not bankrupting yourself, your family and your friends to get a surgery.

It’s about defending the legacy of a president who loved his country and worked hard to make it an even greater place. A president who rescued our country in the eyes of our allies and enemies a like, abroad. A man who restored an economy that was bordering on a depression. A man who insured 20 million Americans who otherwise would have been left out in the cold. A man who gave America it’s swagger back.

It’s about standing up to a bully.

So, I take on the names you call me. Say I’m a leftie. I’m not, but I’ll wear it. Tell me I’m not a patriot. I’ll own it. But know that I believe a patriot stands up to be heard in times of crisis. He speaks out against injustice. He criticizes and protests and works diligently to change hearts and minds. A patriot doesn’t respect a president just because he holds a title. He doesn’t respect a president just because he won an election.

Our country was built to fight itself. We are the sons and daughters of dissidents. We are the Rebel Alliance. We stand up to tyranny. We stand up to bullies. We protect the weak. We champion the people. We are the United States of America. My grandfathers fought in WWII. My father fought in Viet Nam. What kind of son and grandson would I be if I didn’t fight the flight my generation was given?

Once upon a time, I wrote. I wrote a blog before blogs had names. I wrote under the name Hoops. Hoops, my alter ego, stood for the things I do and he expressed them in his own unique way.

He’s existed as some pale form of what he used to be for a long time now, until eventually he just stopped blogging altogether. I haven’t written anything of consequence in years. My tongue forked no lightning. My words did not sway or move those who hung around to read.

I always knew that Hoops lived on inside of me, but I could not connect to him. I could not bring him forward. He was as insubstantial as a ghost. And writing is a painful exercise for ghost, but…

There has been an awakening.

I am not the brave Seaman or Soldier that my grandfathers were. I am not the brave Marine that my father was either. My generation was not called forward to fight in the ways theirs were. I believe that my country is under attack from within. I do not use these words lightly.

We have an unstable and dangerous man at the helm of our government and our arsenal. We have an ultra-conservative government who are not just seeking to keep others down, but to take rights away from those who have already earned them, not in the name of country, but in the name of God–who wants nothing to do with our government if I remember my Bible correctly. “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

Worst of all, we have almost half of our country ready to support the dangerous thinking of this reality television show nightmare and swamp-dwellers he’s cozied up to in order to gain his power.

My mission and I do choose to accept it, is to fight. I will fight with the only weapon I have. My voice–my words. I believe it is the duty of every patriot to stand up to the bully. He’s shown that he’s sensitive to what is said and written about him, so we say and write the things that make him cringe.

It is our duty to make his head spin. It is our duty to pester and bite like the millions of mosquitos that we are and bite and prick and the Prick until he cannot stop the bleeding. We have the platforms from which to do this–our blogs, our Facebook pages, our websites, our Twitter accounts and our Instagrams. We must be relentless. We must break him. We can. We must.

But Trump is only one man. And the man he’s chosen to be his Vice President may, actually, be even more dangerous, in his own way. Certainly, a more stable hand on the button of a nuclear arsenal, but also a more dangerous hand on the throats of women and immigrants and any who are not Christian or living to his interpretation of what is and is not acceptable in God’s eyes.

More important than anything, we must reach these people who voted for Trump. We cannot simply decide that half of our country is crazy and write them off. We have to understand them. We have to make them a part of something bigger than ourselves or themselves. We have to unite.

We need to find the words that convince–and not just Trump is dangerous. They’ll find that out soon enough. But we need to stop the next Trump and the next. We need to understand why they voted the way they did and find the common ground we need to bring them to our side. And it can’t be some one-sided thing where we expect them to simply see things our way. We need to rethink the things that are important to us and see which are really critical and important and which we can compromise on–we need to end polarization.

We have to leave our side and walk to the middle and extend our hands there in friendship and acceptance. We need to erase more lines than we draw.

It won’t always be possible. Some friends, people I’ve known a long time, will have to stop being a part of my life. Friendships will have to suffer and even die in some cases. I cannot separate who some people are from the bits of ignorance they choose to embrace. If you are racist, sexist; if you believe all Muslims are evil, if you think all Mexicans should be deported, then that’s who and what you are and you cannot be my friend anymore. I cannot be surrounded by your poison. I cannot fix your hatred. I cannot waste time howling at the moon when I can speak sense to those who are not beyond my reach.

Goodbye to those of you who qualify. To those who don’t even need to understand what Obama did to know you hated it and it was wrong and evil and bad. You are sad and broken and I cannot help you. If you have opinions that you cannot intelligently defend with more than Fox News talking points, then you are lost and I will not be the one to come find you.

A shepherd whose flock is half caught up in a flood and half still on land must save the ones he can first, even if it means watching the rest drown. Half a flock is better than no flock at all.

It is my aim and intent to embrace a new and perhaps grown up version of Hoops and part of that means being here, to write, more often. It means I must do my part in the battle for hearts and minds. The United States of America is the government of The People, for The People and by, The People. I am The People. You are The People. We–The People–in order to form a more perfect union, must fight.

We must fight and defeat Trump.

We must win the hearts and minds of The People who chose him.

The former, without the latter, is meaningless. I am Hoops. I am back. I am ready to play my part, no matter how small it’s destined to be. I am a patriot and a mosquito.

I will do my part. Will you join me?

Last updated January 20, 2017

Chinook Wind January 20, 2017

Yes. I will join you.

hoops Chinook Wind ⋅ January 20, 2017


Amelie's Twin January 20, 2017

I don't have the way with words that you do. . .but I will be your cheerleader. Is that good enough? :)

hoops Amelie's Twin ⋅ January 20, 2017

You don't need to have a way with words. You just have to stand up for what you believe. And insult the cheeto-faced, small-handed, megalomaniacal piss sponge whenever you can! ;)

That said, I will NEVER turn down a cheerleader!

Lyn January 20, 2017


hoops Lyn ⋅ January 20, 2017


noooncy. January 20, 2017


hoops noooncy. ⋅ January 20, 2017


simple mind January 20, 2017

I actually considered myself a moderate before the so-called Tea Party took the helm and started dashing the ship against the rocks, so to speak. Now I'm a special snowflake, driven far to the left by whatever the hell this is we have now. (I try not to get political on here, but it's not every day that hoops makes a grand return)

hoops simple mind ⋅ January 20, 2017

You and I were in the same boat. Obama was the first Democrat I ever voted for at the State or Federal level. And it was the Tea Party and it's aftermath that drove all the good Republicans into crazed idiots. I used to admire Sen. McCain. Now, he's an idiot. I'm definitely for smaller government and financial reform, but we have to take care of our people first. Come on! So yeah...I guess I'm on the left now. I hated Hilary, but I voted for her--she wouldn't have hurt things, even if she didn't make them that much better.

simple mind hoops ⋅ January 20, 2017

I have a buddy at work who told me I need to watch the show Newsroom. Have you seen that one? It's on my list, haven't got to it yet. I guess Jeff Daniels plays a "real Republican" president that reminds us that our end goals aren't radically different across party lines, but I guess his stances would drive the Tea Partiers crazy. Seems like it's probably more relevant than ever now.

hoops simple mind ⋅ January 20, 2017

Your info on the premise of the show is a bit off, but the show is absolutely BRILLIANT. Jane Fonda is the only down side, but it was so good that I even got past her.

Daniels is a news anchor who sells out and reports the republican line who has an epiphany, thanks to his ex who comes back into his life and demands that he be a real news man again. The show is about him fighting to tell the news in an impartial way and to give an accurate accounting. It's one of my all time favorite shows. There's a scene in the first episode that will just hook you. Just be careful...you will binge watch it. You won't be able to help yourself.

simple mind hoops ⋅ January 21, 2017

Another great endorsement! All right, I'll definitely be tuning in once the madness in my life calms down to a dull roar. (nothing terrible, mostly just crunch time at work)

QueSeraSera January 20, 2017

i stand with you holding that flag upside down.

hoops QueSeraSera ⋅ January 20, 2017


absolut lilith January 20, 2017

I'm with you. I was seriously considering voting for McCain until they broke out the fucking revolutionary LARPers and saddled him with Caribou Barbie. The downward spiral since then is just... unfathomable. I'm with you.

hoops absolut lilith ⋅ January 20, 2017

Nah, it happened before then. He sold his soul to the Tea Party to get one more shot at the chair. It was pure Faust. Now he's just a soulless fucktard.

I'm glad you're with me though!

daylight January 20, 2017

This is amazing and so right fucking spot on.

hoops daylight ⋅ January 20, 2017

Thank you. ;)

donut January 20, 2017

I saw the stuff that that guy was spouting off, and you handled it way better than I would have. Glad to see you back (and remember, my guest room is still open!). 😀

hoops donut ⋅ January 20, 2017

I've known that guy since 4th grade. Ugh.

donut hoops ⋅ January 21, 2017

Ugh, indeed.

biancadoodledoo January 20, 2017

I can't imagine a better voice to rally behind when I don't have the words to put things in order. <3

Plus now I (hopefully) have time for my morning hoops + coffee and that is a tradition that is too long dead.

hoops biancadoodledoo ⋅ January 20, 2017

Well, I'll be night writing so you only get to have me for breakfast if you're really, really patient.

biancadoodledoo hoops ⋅ January 20, 2017

Orrrrr if I'm smart enough to save an entry for the entire next day, first thing in the morning. :) BOOM.

Pockets January 20, 2017

fuck yes.

hoops Pockets ⋅ January 20, 2017

I heartily approve of your excellent use of the word fuck.

Pretend Mulling January 20, 2017


Pretend Mulling January 20, 2017


hoops Pretend Mulling ⋅ January 21, 2017


I need tea. January 20, 2017


hoops I need tea. ⋅ January 21, 2017


UncertainTragedy January 21, 2017

This entry. Loved it. Well said sir. And also good to find you here! You're the fourth OD user I've found tonight! It's good to see you here and read your writing again. :)

hoops UncertainTragedy ⋅ January 21, 2017

Thank you! Lots of ODers here. It's almost like home. ;)

masquerade~ January 24, 2017

Not American but 100% with you!!

Dream-me January 26, 2017

At least John McCain is standing up against torture today. Maybe a glimmer of the man he once was. My problem is that I am not sure HOW to reach the other side. I know people, good people, who voted for Donald Trump. It's hard for me to look them in the face as I see them becoming more entrenched in their Fox News bubbles. What do we say when they are being fed outright lies (and swallowing them whole)?

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