day 3 in my challenge

  • Jan. 16, 2014, 2:21 p.m.
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so i didn't quite kill it as hard as i have on previous days. but its mostly due to the pace with the exercises. i wouldn't remember how to do a certain progression which really cut in to my reps. but it was yoga and with all the muscles feeling sore all the stretching felt awesome. woke up today still a little sore. didn't sleep much last night and am fighting sleep so far all day. today will be the real test, i'm fried. i will probably get home from work and just want to eat dinner and pass out. i think i can beat this though. maybe i'll get some caffeine in my system and wake up. but i'm definitely going to try. i am still excited about it. i'm still ready to tear it up. i am going to remind myself a couple more times through out the day of why i am working on myself. usually i pick up a bunch of energy once i get home. though i forgot to look at the schedule and see what i am going to be doing today. though i'm not really worried. i just have to force myself to do it. its only 30 minutes, maybe i'll cook up an awesome steak as a reward.

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