Loser in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Aug. 23, 2016, 11:41 a.m.
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This place is defeating me. Wife said we should drink last night while we watched TV. I drank too much. Wife is very upset claiming we need to stop drinking. She’s right. Why have I been drinking too much these days when, for the last 11 years I was very capable of only drinking “a little” or “enough”? Because I’m not strong enough to beat this place. I need to be. Or at least, if I can’t beat this place…I need to be strong enough to pull a stalemate. I can’t let this place swallow me. It has already begun. And I need to do better about it. But therein lies the nature of how apathy affects me. I can care and I can let this place swallow me, kicking and screaming, fighting everyone impotently. Or I can completely stop caring, pretty much stop doing my job in every way… and this place will swallow me as I become more and more upset about the situation.

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Pickled Duck Lips August 23, 2016

So she suggested you two drink the other night, then she complained that you drank.

Yep, you're married alright lol

Comfortably Numb Pickled Duck Lips ⋅ August 24, 2016

I was about to say this exact same comment! ^

Like WTF, dude? I don't think she knows what she wants.

Deleted user August 23, 2016

Drinking too much just makes any situation look and feel worse. You need a clear head and a healthy body to defeat that place. Think of it as a " Battle".

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