Twitter: Good Bad Expected in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Aug. 9, 2016, 12:43 p.m.
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SO… I did actually get all of my expected work done almost first thing.
And… then… yeah. The rest of the afternoon was boring and painful. I suppose I could have gone home (see if anybody tries to stop me!) but I was really hoping to get a report in tonight so I could file my own work. But… no report. So… I sit here tinkering with stories I started (that permanently live in my Drafts folder). Not sexy stories… I have 22 stories in some stage of development in my Collection of Work Book.

Well… that and going over Crime Scene Videos. Stupid… fricking… THIS COUNTY NEEDS MORE FOR ADULTS TO DO THAN DRINK AND GET HIGH!
Largely because… a lot of people around here can’t handle their drink or drugs. And it becomes my problem. Because they drive. They start fights. They break into people’s houses. They scream obscenities at the top of their lungs for hours on end after midnight. I’ve got hours of video footage that should convince people there needs to be more done for these people (treatment and rehab) and more to distract people (than The Bar). But… ‘round here, we don’t like talkin’ bout that stuff. Ain’t no problems, ‘less you make problems. So if these folks’ve got a problem, it’s on them. Ain’t no reflection of nothing but bad people.

This town may push me into becoming a full on Democrat. If someone has 94 Public Intoxication Arrests and every time you let him out of jail, he’s drunk on the street again within 24 hours.... there’s something that needs to happen!

stargazing August 09, 2016

I'm not sure having more to do in your town would solve the alcohol and drug problem. The company I work for is in Phoenix... And we see the same ppl over and over with alcohol and drug problems.

Deleted user August 11, 2016

What an awful place ! You have convinced me .

Always Laughing August 13, 2016

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