Too Damn Hot! in Every day scata

  • July 5, 2016, 6:21 p.m.
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I just finished mowing the grass and It’s fucking hot out there. The tiny breeze that was blowing was hot. Everything was hot. lol I almost slid out of the seat on the lawn mower because of the sweat. Blech!

But it’s done and I don’t have to think about it for a few days.

While I was all hot (and sweaty lol) I picked the ripe black berries that I could see. I didn’t go digging in the bush because I thought I was going to fall over. The rest can wait until tonight.

Speaking of gardens, we need to get out to the tomatoes tonight. One of them fell over and I think it pulled it up from it’s roots. I don’t know if we can save it. And I’m betting that we probably have one or two ripe ones to be picked. And cucumbers, the vine really has taken off because of the rain. I hope I don’t step on the damn pumpkin vine like I always do. I’m sure I’ve killed it. The other one didn’t survive the planting. I should have thrown the pumpkins we had last year into the hay field. We got some really decent pumpkins by doing that. Maybe if we get any pumpkins this year, I’ll throw them out into the field again to see if we get any volunteers next year.

I’m going to go to the post office for international stamps tomorrow. I’ll have to use the credit card, but I really do need them. What I’‘m putting out cash wise into the mailbox is almost twice as much as a stamp costs. I’m thinking they’re pocketing the change. I wouldn’t put it past anyone.

Gads. I have pencils laying all over the drawing table. No wonder I haven’t finished the picture. The table is too cluttered for me to concentrate. After I cool down I’ll get rid of the ones I don’t need and pull the ones that I do need for the rest of the picture.

But first, coffee. ;)

Star Maiden July 06, 2016

My tomato plants are still empty :(

Gilraent Star Maiden ⋅ July 06, 2016

We have a LOT of tomatoes. I do need to get some egg shells around them. They need some calcium. I don't like working with lime because it is so dusty.

Sister July 06, 2016

I miss my buddy Sandy. She retired a few years ago and she would always bring in tomatoes and basil and peppers from her garden.

Gilraent Sister ⋅ July 06, 2016

We picked 3 tomatoes last night. One yellow and two red. The cucumbers are teeny tiny but won't stay that way long. I'll have a lot of blackberries for my smoothies this year, too :) I'll have to buy jalapenos at the farmers market, though if I plan on making the candied pickled things.

Sister Gilraent ⋅ July 06, 2016

Love yellow tomatoes sprinkled with salt, basil and garlic powder on a sandwich with onions mayo and kale or spinach. If I'm feeling froggy perhaps a fried egg. Now I'm hungry!

Gilraent Sister ⋅ July 06, 2016

lol I'm hungry now, too! Dammit! lol

raynedrop July 16, 2016

I love fresh tomatos, but we always seem to kill our plants

Gilraent raynedrop ⋅ July 16, 2016

I don't know what we did right this year but the plants are HUGE! Lots of tomatoes. We're going to have everything tomato for suppers lol

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