Biology in The ugly truth about making babies

  • May 26, 2016, 1:17 p.m.
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So I downloaded a fertility tracker app. To be honest, I went on the pill when I was 18 and had my first serious boyfriend - always have been ridiculously responsible! Since then, I was on the pill, then the mini pill when I started getting migraines 8 years ago, then the implant for 4 years when I was still getting chronic headaches.

I downloaded the app to keep a track of my cycle, which had been pretty much non existent. Give it its due, I’ve never had a problem with contraception in terms of worrying that it hadn’t worked, but it does totally mess with your natural rhythm.

So the app. In terms of fertility and cycle tracking it’s dead on. I’ve been using ovulation sticks this cycle too which has been a revelation. And obviously paying the most minute attention to every little twinge! It’s been really helpful in promoting my awareness of my own body and making me think about what’s actually going on with me.

The community forum on the other hand. I’ve never seen so many questions from people who seem to have such a lack of basic understanding of the biology of how their own bodies work. I’m trying really hard not to be judgemental, I know not everyone is exposed to the same education, but seriously, it amazes me that people have no understanding of things I know I learnt when I was in year 7 biology.

On the one hand I think it’s fantastic that women who need support have a group of supportive women to turn to. However on the other hand it concerns me that the people answering their questions and worries seem to also have a complete lack of knowledge of how the human body works.

It’s like a weird little obsession at the moment. Maybe it’s just a distraction, to stop me thinking about other things, like how teeny tiny our chance of conceiving is. I can’t stop myself from looking at the forum, it just amazes me the things that people ask. I think if I see one more ‘am I pregnant’ I’ll lose it. Take a bloody test!

I’m seriously lacking comprehensive information about the things we’re going through. Google is terrible, it’s all forums, all random people trying to conceive who have tried every weird and wonderful trick in the book, whether there’s evidence that it works or not. I need to read some studies. I don’t know why it hasn’t occurred to me before now that I have access to a medical library and online medical library. I could be redding journals to my hearts content. Up to date, proven information.

I really wish I could stop thinking about it, just for a while, but at the moment it’s all consuming. Maybe once a little time has passed that will wear off, I don’t know. I don’t want to be one of those crazy women but right now I feel like I could happily be an absolute loon about it.


Flame is Love May 26, 2016

Even once I was pregnant, it was really hard to switch my brain out if TTC mode. "I need to buy more OPK--" no, no, you're 6 weeks pregnant. Stop.

Now I'm back in that mode as much as I didn't want to be. My brain is too obsessive.

Glitter and Trauma Flame is Love ⋅ May 26, 2016

Same, I've come to realise I'm even more of a control freak than I realised and letting nature take its course is just something that goes against my nature as a person!

I need tea. May 26, 2016


Camdengirl May 27, 2016

I think it just is all consuming... It's the same when you are actually pregnant too - it's like everything else gets shoved to the back of your brain and THIS is the main thing.

Glitter and Trauma Camdengirl ⋅ May 27, 2016

It's ridiculous, I'm actually annoying myself. I'm waking round thinking i could be cooking a baby right now and not even know. Then in the next breath I'll be gripped by fear that it'll never happen. It's official, I'm turning into one of those crazy women i never thought I'd be!

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