country smiles in 2016

  • Feb. 8, 2016, 10:59 p.m.
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I’ve been wanting to write, but can’t ever seem to sort out my thoughts. Like there’s all kinds of stuff bumbling around in there, it’s just not coming out in coherent sentences. Ideas, or memories, pop into my head throughout the day and I cannot figure out how to make them into words that y’all would understand.

We’ll give it a shot. See how it goes.

Although at this point I kind of want to just get this day over with. I’ve hit that crashing point at the end of the day where I want to go home and lay on my couch. You know, this is the beginning of my 4th straight week at work, so I’m surprised I’m not a total zombie. Sleeping in yesterday was nice, but I still had to get moving early enough to mow the lawn and stuff. Every other week it’s been raining on Sunday and the lawn was in desperate need of a trim. Plus the six hours of work that followed. So yeah. Welcome to the season!

In reality, we’ve probably made it through the roughest part. I’m grateful for that! Next Sunday should be our first day off, God willing, and I am so looking forward to it. I think I may take Mom out on a Valentine’s Day date. The steakhouse is calling my name. :-]

The only part that I know is going to hit me hard is the whole thing with my uncle. Every year he would bring us a couple of flowers that he had left over after he visited my aunt’s grave. Or just buy us our own bouquets in general. So this year, other than missing his visit, I also feel this responsibility to continue his tradition. For my aunt. And I know that isn’t going to be easy. I still can’t get used to the idea of him no longer being around.

I’m tellin’ ya. This getting too close thing is not working out in my favor thus far.

Then again the opposite ain’t working out so great either.

/Excuse my weird slang typing today…my country accent has emerged from out of nowhere. Could be the aforementioned exhaustion. hah!\
[Also…I don’t really have a country accent…don’t get any ideas.]

Speaking of country: I just spoke with JR on the phone. I thought it weird he hadn’t called all day so I rang with the excuse that no one brought by the check he was supposed to sign. He said he was going to take care of it himself. But he was doing that really slow talking, not answering kind of thing. I knew something was up, but I don’t know how to bring these things up with him. Like I want to do that quiet “are you ok” questioning. I’m at work though and that stuff is always easier in person.

He eventually ended up asking if he’d told me that he got run over by a cow. [hence the country connection] Although now I’m wondering if he didn’t say car. Which would make a whole lot more sense. [if you didn’t know us] In that case, I think he’d be in way worse shape. Like not talking to me on the phone telling me that he didn’t go to the doctor. Typical boy. It’s gotta be a cow though. His buddy just got smashed by a horse the other day.

Did I mention I live in the country? heh.

He’ll probably stop by tomorrow and I’ll get the whole story out of him.

Other things:
The owl is back. Or at least a couple nights ago I got home from work and I heard that old familiar hooting as I was walking up the drive. I haven’t heard an owl around the house in a couple of years. But I’d like to think my amazing new owl ring brought him back. I wish I could show you a picture. This thing is pretty awesome!

Anyway, on Saturday we ran up to visit someone in the hospital [only they forgot to tell us she’d been released so that was a wasted trip…you know, except my meatloaf sandwich and giant beer we grabbed for dinner] and we saw an owl fly across the road above our car. Pretty cool. I have a fascination with owls, if you haven’t noticed. They’re just so mysterious and majestic. I don’t know.

The other day this guy came into the office. Returning client. And you know I’m really good at reading people and picking up on cues, right? So there were a couple of moments. Looks or whatever. Being the kind of person I am, I fed into them. Couldn’t help myself. You know, like specifically reaching out and pointing to the paper with my awesome ring, instead of just explaining it. Then filling out the envelope he needed instead of letting him do it himself. In my neatest, prettiest, tiny handwriting. He commented on it too as soon as I put it down. Saying it was much nicer than his.

On his way out he stopped up front and pulled out his wallet, only everything had already been taken care of, so I told him he was ready to go unless he wanted to pay me extra. We all laughed about it and he said he was going to grab two candies for that. He was half-way out the door when he said that I would have to take him out on a date if he paid me. haha. It was so random, and funny, and almost no one heard it. But he stood there making eye contact and smiling at me for a second or two. Prolonging his exit.

Not that any of this will make a difference. But it’s interesting the way the world works. The moments that will make me smile on recall.


Medisinn February 15, 2016

How does someone get run over by a cow? That is ridiculous, but also terrifying. Cows are pretty heavy. I knew you were in a small town, didn't think it was small enough where animal trampling incidents would be common...

It will be difficult to deal with your uncle gone, but perhaps continuing the tradition will bring some comfort. If not now then perhaps in the future of doing it.

+.:hidden-feelings:. Medisinn ⋅ February 23, 2016

Haha! He works with cattle so I guess he was loading, somehow got knocked down, and got stepped on in the process. It's a small town in the middle of agricultural land so it's half country and half city. Or something. It's hard to explain. You'd have to live here to understand the crazy. heh. =]
The animal trampling [human trampling?] isn't all that common though, I swear!

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