Early Resolutions in Back entries: 2013 - 2015

  • Dec. 21, 2015, 5:56 a.m.
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Well, it’s the end of the year again. I’ve really neglected both my online and real world journals this year because of one thing or another.

However, next year I intend to try and re-do my 52 books in 52 week thingy (see the description on my “Books 2016” journal for more info). I also intend to try and keep a log of my dreams.

The only other things that I will be making New Years Resolutions on (and I know I’m early with this) are to lose weight and to attempt to get out more and do stuff that I don’t normally do. I’ve become a bit too much of a homebody.

Anyway, short and sweet entry. More entries when I have time.

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