The Red Notebook in Book Challenge 2016 (52 books to be read in 52 weeks)

  • Jan. 4, 2016, 12:25 a.m.
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Well, that’s book one out of 52 read. :)

The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain is set in Paris, France. Laurent Letellier is a bookseller and divorced father. One day he finds himself stumbling across an abandoned handbag and decides to give it back to it’s rightful owner. The problem is there’s no ID, no contact information in the bag for him to do so. As he goes through the contents, trying to locate some hint of contact details, he finds a red notebook of musings. On the discovery of this, he finds himself increasingly compelled to meet the owner.

A short read at 159 pages. I have my copy in front of me, and feel a bit torn about this. My issue is it’s re-readability. Yes, I enjoyed it. I loved the length of the book, the fact it was a quick read. The language used. But by the same token, this book was a tad predictable. I can re-read my favourite books time and time again (with some it’s a case of wait-a-while-between-reads), and find something new or some little detail that I’d forgotten or overlooked. But I don’t know if this book would stand the re-read. Which is a little disappointing.

Laurain has written another book (The President’s Hat), so I might keep an eye out for that.

Books read: 1/52 (Pages: 159)

nothispenelope January 04, 2016

that sounds interesting.

TudorRose nothispenelope ⋅ January 07, 2016

It is! :)

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