Oh dear God in Chunky giblets

  • Nov. 2, 2015, 1:16 p.m.
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So now I own this dog. She’s a Japanese Akido cross Staff and she’s going to land me in deep shit. A rescue dog of sorts, her name is Shadow and she’s batshit insane. She nearly ate this little yappy pug thing earlier.

She has a serious problem with small dogs. And some adults. And most small children. And cars. And stationary objects. She’s gonna get me nicked.

But i love her. She’s sweet most of the time and she clearly loves me. She has her nose on my lap right now. She just has no idea how to behave. She’s only two years old and was fairly mistreated so a lot of work needs doing. Half the time she ignores me completely.

But i won’t give up on her. I won’t. Too many people already have. I’ll get her to behave or I’ll put the fear of God into her.

Love this batshit insane dog.

Last updated November 02, 2015

Deleted user November 02, 2015

well in her defence small yappy dogs and children are terrible creatures

what will you name her

don't let her get knocked up

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ November 03, 2015

She's called Shadow. Pretty sure i mentioned that.

Mr. Mofo November 02, 2015

Let her eat the children!

Deleted user Mr. Mofo ⋅ November 03, 2015


Babe In Toyland November 03, 2015

You have the time and dedication to turn her round, I know you will. Staffies are very bright, she'll absorb everything like a sponge!

Johnny Carcinogen Babe In Toyland ⋅ November 03, 2015

Not bloody so far she ain't. She's definitely more akita than staff. She is evil with other dogs. And she ignore the shit out of me but the main problem is how growly and barky she is. Especially around some kids. But 90% of the time she's soppy as shit. Still; i need to muzzle her. When we are in the park she acts like she owns it all and is ultra aggressive to muzzleeveryone and everything.

Johnny Carcinogen Babe In Toyland ⋅ November 03, 2015

The second muzzle was an autocorrect fuck up.q

Babe In Toyland November 03, 2015

(She sounds lovely by the way. Can you post any pictures?)

Johnny Carcinogen Babe In Toyland ⋅ November 03, 2015

Uh yeah tomorrow when i get on a computer ill upload a few.

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