hudson street moment in poetry

  • April 9, 2015, 2:43 a.m.
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  • Public

sometimes I want to disappear
melt away
join the rain
wash down to the sewers
on a slow march to the sea
suffuse into the firmament
still exist
but no longer be

sometimes I want to disappear
but under these stairs
I can be anywhere
I can imagine
or remember

all it takes is three walls
obscuring my view and
I’m back in New York City
fresh and new
where no one could even think to care
what my name or face might mean
I’m back in California
with the air so dirty and
the ocean shore so kitchen clean

I can pretend that I’ve just parted ways
with some woman or another that I miss
“I’ll see you soon, honey” she’ll say
and leave me with a kiss

under these steps in the rain
I can be anywhere
it’s the only way to stay sane
waiting for the people
to join me underneath the stairs

Squidobarnez April 09, 2015

this made me think of that movie "The People Under The Stairs," and how much it fuh-reaked me out as a youngster watching it in a room at the Rosedale Motel in relatively-rural Indiana.


Narrator April 10, 2015

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