Snew! in The Devil Beneath My Feet

  • Jan. 30, 2015, 10:14 a.m.
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Today has already been a lovely day off. When i woke up it was still snowing, and as of now it continues to do so. I have a giant Forsythia bush that lines my yard bit, and it looks super pretty under a blanket of white. In truth, it looks less like a Forsythia and more like the briars under Rapunzel’s tower that blinded her prince, and i fucking HATE this stupid bush because it makes a HUGE mess and is in general more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth. But, come snowfall, i can’t complain.

I debated staying in bed and playing Skyrim but i’m not allowed to. I have a very demanding dog and two even more demanding cats, who, upon the realization that their food bowl is half empty, will bitch and whine and complain until someone re-fills it. The kitten and the dog are sitting next to me actually, and i have a sneaking suspicion that the “Pft!” i just heard was not the kitten sneezing but in fact, the dog farting.

Yes, the dog farted. Oh god my eyes are burning. I should sell him to the U.S. Government, really, Darby farts could be weaponized with relative ease. Good lord, Darby.

So instead of playing Skyrim i have lit a drip candle in my drip candle bottle and i’m drinking Lemongrass Tea and farting around until another animal needs my attention.

Ah, silence. Silence is rare in this house, my teeny tiny abode. When the animals aren’t causing a ruckus, and also when they are, the TV is always on. Always. Eric is a TV guy, as are most guys. It’s always tuned to something, but it is never off. So when i have the house to myself, i turn it off, and just enjoy the silence. Sometimes i play music, but never the same kind i play in the car. In the car, i’m usually on my way to or from work, so i play something loud and fun and awesome to get myself ready for the day/unwind from day. At home though i usually stick to blues, or classical. Bill Withers is a pretty common occurrence. Goddamnit i love Bill Withers so bad.

Drip drip drip goes the candle. I should really do laundry, ugggghhhhh.

I’ve begun planning small things for the big house, when we build it. It won’t be for a few more years, but i’m still excited. I’ll have my own little room. Not a bedroom, but more like an office, to fill with things i like. I plan on having Eric build me some built-in’s with cabinet doors that lock, so when i’m playing with Belladonna or Nightshade or essential oils there’s no risk of anyone tampering with them and poisoning themselves. Also i want a small round table, and two chairs, for Tarot and Palm readings. I want stained glass in the windows, and apothecary bottles, and plants, good lord i want all of the plants.

I also want a large kitchen with as much natural light as possible. I never want to turn the lights on before dark in my kitchen.

Also i’m planning on building an herb garden come springtime. I also want to plant vegetables, and lots of them. I just have to figure out where, which is definitely the hardest part lol. It’s hard to plan gardens here because i’m going to be building a bigger house on the same property, so i don’t want to build any gardens too far away from that. Flower gardens sure, i’d love to have flowers all over my yard, but i don’t want to have to walk all the way to the far end of an acre just to pick some damn Rosemary or tomatoes.


girlsetsfire January 30, 2015

I'm jealous that you have the space for a big garden! Even just having herbs is nice tho. I ate at least one million chives this summer, and basil makes me hands smell divine.
And I totally feel you on the silence thing. Maybe it is a boy thing, but Josh never just... leaves the TV off. It's always TV or video games or iPad or SOMETHIING. Sometimes quiet is the only thing I want. Being home solo has been great for that.

invisible ink February 06, 2015

I like a quiet home....

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