I Thought About It in meh...

  • Jan. 14, 2015, 10:58 a.m.
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  • Public

There is always one in the bunch that likes to try me.
I’ve been trying not to dwell too much on an intruder into my space on yesterdays entry. My words were taken out of context and misused, misrepresented and TOTALLY MISSED the point of the damn thing in the first place.

I was called a “racist bitch” by someone who is a proud racist, as proclaimed on her front page. It’s whatever.

But it got me to thinking about everyone I interact with. My friends, acquaintences, vendors I deal with, customers that call.

I am so racist that the gentleman that has been getting the run aroun and has been blown off by our HR department finally got an appointment and because I had been so nice getting messages to the person he’s been trying to contact, he brought me doughnuts. He said he would have brought flowers, but considering my employer he thought that would be like bringing candy to a candy store.

I am so racist that everyone that calls here tells me how helpful and nice I am. INCLUDING the folks that call and have the wrong number. I held a conversation for a bunch of minutes with a woman yesterday and we laughed like old friends. Hope she makes it here soon. Would love to meet her.

Not to mention how racist I am that I hug everyone, that I am greeted and I greet with huge smiles. So racist that even the guy in the store down the street says, “Hey babee” or “What you need, sweetheart?” like I’ve been living in my neighborhood for years and rounds up or down on items to help me out or just to be nice.

:bites a doughnut:

Apparently this racist thing pays off.

Humerously yours,

QueenSuzu January 14, 2015

Read your entry yesterday, did not think it was racist at all, was quite surprised at what the one comment was so retread yesterday's entry. Still did not find it racist and glad you deleted that person's comment.

Sister QueenSuzu ⋅ January 14, 2015

Deleted, blocked. :middle finger:
Some people make it so hard to be an adult.
:) Thank you for your comment. I appreciate this.

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