january in poetry

  • Jan. 8, 2015, 3:38 p.m.
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  • Public

cold, bleak
don’t mistake the winter-time
for the forever-death of summers
don’t mistake the twilight
for the permanent loss of the sun
don’t mistake your cold feet
for early-onset diabetic neuropathy
cold, bleak losing streak
how I wanna believe it’s just a phase
how I wanna believe
it’ll end in a handful of days
cold, bleak

Squidobarnez January 08, 2015

it's weird because it's as hot as balls down here in Oz, but I saw that the wind-chill back home was below zero (Fahrenheit!). I'm slightly scared of how shocking it will be to come back to that coldness.

I hope you're having an awesome now.


Narrator January 11, 2015

The temperatures last week were nuts - I have never seen minus Fahrenheit values before. Sure, it was windchill, but seriously.
I'd say you have February to look forward to but the only good thing in that month is cheap chocolate day. Otherwise the month is kind of a depressing bust. (I'm so cheerful@!)

littlefallsmets Narrator ⋅ January 11, 2015

When I was out visiting my brother in LA last month, we almost drove up to your neck of the woods but he came down with the flu... had it happened, I was gonna try and get a hold of you, maybe at least grab a coffee with you and your fella for an hour or two... sorry it didn't happen!

Narrator littlefallsmets ⋅ January 12, 2015

Hey, no problem - there'll be another time. Also, everyone seems to have this stupid cold. I hope he got better and you managed to avoid it.

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