DM in Kellie's Stuff

  • Dec. 5, 2014, 1:49 p.m.
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Well I clearly confused the shit out of everyone so just a brief clarification. We are many things and with many interests we have many friends and family.
They make up the circle of our whole so far right…
Just like pictures show many versions of the same vision we look at identical things and see different aspects.

dark man photo: dark dark.jpg

I can be dark and I can be light. I can shine or I can absorb the light and cause the darkness. DM is the dark (wo)man in us all.

dark man photo:  735124149_l.jpg

We all have that gothic seed within us and it can be beautiful and threatening, morbid and alluring…

dark man photo: VAMPIRE 089.jpg

So who writes about the dark while covered in light..
I call him by his name as do some of my friends here. To the rest I guess he is nothing more than the (wo)man who lives in the dark.

dark man photo: dark IMGP4457.jpg

laters xo

Mr. Mofo December 05, 2014

Ohhhhh DM is your name for your dark half, is that it?

Who are the three undead women with blood dripping down their chins? Do you think one of them might give me a fangjob???....oO(God I love getting fangjobs)

invisible ink Mr. Mofo ⋅ December 05, 2014

I believe they prefer neck over junk....

Mr. Mofo invisible ink ⋅ December 05, 2014

Your reply....classic! Classic I say!!!

Park Row Fallout December 05, 2014

I like it. It reminds me of a great book I only vaguely remember reading :( I can't remember if it was philosophy/religion or psychology... but it was about the many pieces that make up the whole of a person and how there can be something gained AND something lost by integrating them all or keeping them separate. Dash it all, if I could only remember something specific about it!

Deleted user December 07, 2014

Loved this, it was haunting and beautiful :) Love the outfit too on the first pix.

Wayfaring_Stranger December 08, 2014

I dunno if mine has a name ;)

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