Prosebox, now with less "The dog ate my entry!" in Site Updates

  • Nov. 3, 2013, 8:32 p.m.
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I've seen a couple of entries today about entries being eaten by Prosebox. Prosebox doesn't actually decide to mess with you and randomly eat entries - most likely, you either thought you hit the Publish button and instead hit the Preview button, which doesn't really save anything. Or you pressed your browser's hotkey that takes you Back in your browser history.

Either way, it leads to grief and frustration. So I added a little notification box that warns you if you try to leave the entry page without saving. Hopefully this will help!

woman in the moon November 03, 2013

I like the preview.

Wicked Nights November 03, 2013

Yeah cuz we all know that Grief & Frustration = Open Diary. Oops did I say that? Hey don't look at me that way OD lovers... I tried to sign in the other day to read the few favs that have decided to stick around there & got nothing but error notices.

B+ November 03, 2013

This is fantastic...

Katren...In Conclusion November 03, 2013

Thanks. I'm beginning to reach that age where I NEED reminders

sassafras November 03, 2013

You rock! Also, I looove that our comments now magically appear... it's awesome!

Deleted user November 03, 2013

Woot, m'lord!

Cat Mommy November 03, 2013


Leanne 🌈 November 03, 2013

Muchas gracias senior.

missing maui November 03, 2013


Jeanine November 04, 2013

Thank you! I've been known to do these things.

MissMeg November 04, 2013

One more suggestion, not sure if this has been mentioned already, but it would be nice to be able to respond to comments when you are reading them directly in the comment inbox. I usually go there first and read my comments, and then when I want to reply to them, it seems as if I have to go back to the original entry to read and reply to comments from there.

km MissMeg ⋅ November 04, 2013

I requested that too. It would save a lot of time.

km November 04, 2013

I'm so glad you added that!

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm November 04, 2013

i've lost an entry here a time or two but i've known it was my own fault. i am glad you added that feature so that i can no longer be stupid and hit the wrong thing. take care,

haredawg drools November 04, 2013

Speaking as the canines advocate, in a general sort of way; the dog did your homework, you're the one that ate it.

Deleted user haredawg drools ⋅ November 04, 2013


Deleted user November 04, 2013

Awesome awesome awesome. I haven't had any problems at all, but I do love your proactivity and your interest in what your followers are experiencing on the site :)

Deleted user November 04, 2013

yesterday in order to get a space I had to write < br > but today I don't need to, whatever happened don't make it unhappen. happy dance

Lepetit pumpkinesque November 04, 2013


Dirty Numb Angelboy November 05, 2013

I haven't used HTML codes in forever. Not since the old days on OD but hey, I'm happy that dead horse is getting beat with a stick! Still, it'd be nice if they could get it to work for a few hours so I could download my old diary.

king of i November 05, 2013

Thanks for the continual site updates... enjoying a little more color and profile variety. (Admittedly I hadn't stopped in here in several weeks.)

Etoile Filante November 07, 2013

Hullo lovely. I just wrote a Big Fat Entry and hit Save Draft so that I could come back to it later and it has totally disappeared! Can you help? I didn't get the notification upon leaving the page that you mentioned. sobs

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