Randomings in Current Events

  • March 27, 2024, 6:24 p.m.
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We’ve all hit our winter breaking point in my city. We hit it a long time ago. We are in the homestretch and spring cannot come fast enough. I’m tired of the freezing cold. We had a flurry last night. I am thinking about using the tanning bed at my gym just to pretend that I am feeling the hot sun on my skin. Also, I look caucasian as fuck right now I’m so pale. #HalfbreedThings.

There is a solar eclipse on April 8th. Both the Sun and Moon will be in Aries… the math ain’t mathin’

I am halfway through spring break and I have not studied once. I have not started a lab or assignment. I have not started my take-home test either. It just feels like a staycation. I haven’t done any of my side projects either. I let myself get addicted to Skyrim. I bought a bunch of games for my PC while there was a spring sale. I’ll get my ass in gear by this evening. I’m also down to three shifts a week. This is my goldie lock zone. I’m okay with that. I want the time for my studies and other projects. I’m off for the rest of the week so I have nothing but time for my studies.

On the weekend, I went with Bev to a lesson on protection magic at a Wiccan shop. The shop owner does workshops. Bev is a Wiccan, I’m just supportive. The shopowner requires that we wear masks because she is immunocompromised… I guess there is no protection spell for that one. Of course, $cience says diseases are caught. However, the real science shows that it is created. She is suffering from her own karma. Karma is the consequences of our choices, not the what goes around comes around.

She also brought up the patriarchy. So there I was in a woman-owned business learning about oppression. The suppression of feelings, that’s what they all briefly ranted about… We’re in the dumb ages.

I kept an open mind but clearly, this woman hates men. She told me that deities hate men too. She recommended that I don’t work with them. I feel some type of way about her using practices that come from other cultures. White shamans be selling back what was stolen. I have to remind myself that we are all united under astrology which taught us all metaphysics. That is all-inclusive, it is for everybody. Just makes my eye twitch anyway.

I don’t know how to bro. Our new hire at work dumped all his relationship drama on me. Why did I do that?! He asked. I get that a lot and I don’t know why. I explained. You actually listen. You don’t just say ‘That sucks man.’ I get to actually talk. He responded. That explains so much. I have a long history of young guys adopting me as an older brother figure and now I know why. He and his wife are separated. They had a one-night stand and he knocked her up. They attempted to do the right thing for their sun but couldn’t make it work. A for effort. He has so much self-awareness though. I have high hopes for him. He’s a Sagittarius and I am confident that he has strong Capricorn placements in his chart somewhere.

Kyle, a guy at my work, wants me to come to his martial arts class. He won’t charge me. He mostly wants me for the conversations they have after the class. He wants to pick my brain. They discuss politics and things of that nature. I introduced him to his strawman, so in turn, he introduced his friends to theirs.

I haven’t started my new diet yet. I’m dragging it out. I am kissing all of my favorite foods goodbye. In case we aren’t up to speed, I am working with a naturopath to address my deficiency symptoms. Mainstream healthcare would give me a long list of supplements to take. He wasn’t too interested in what my deficiencies were, exactly. He went straight for causation. Absorption issues. His educated guess is that it is GMOs damaging the lining of my small intestines. He tied my mood disorders to that as well. We are going to do three weeks of no GMOs. If the symptoms improve then that is the culprit. So no hybridized wheat, no corn, no soy, no canola oil. This is super restricted. I will have to go back to making my own everything. It is what it is. We are also measuring the acid levels in my stomach, he thinks they are low which is creating a protein deficiency. High-stress levels are the culprit there. I have to work on my stress, I suppose. I thought I had it under control, but apparently not. Just suppressed. Must be the patriarchy in me.

Zampano March 27, 2024

I was having similar digestion issues. I felt like I was eating, but my digestive juices weren't pumping. I got back in touch with a friend who does acupuncture and it helped sort of ignite the fire in my gut. He would say it has more to do with a connection to people and feeling a togetherness with the people.

TL Zampano ⋅ March 29, 2024

Hmmmm. Food for thought. No pun intended

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