Sermon in Dear John

  • Aug. 31, 2014, 12:53 p.m.
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Went to a wedding yesterday, a family friend. My mum’s best friend’s daughter, she’s the same age as my sister and we all grew up together.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m not a churchy person, at all. But sitting in church yesterday, listening to them say their vows, listening to the sermon about faith and hope, just confirmed in my mind how much I love john and see my future with him.

Things are horrible right now. He thinks he can deal with this on his own but he can’t. He’s spent thirty years trying to do it on his own and proved that he can’t, god knows why he thinks he can do it now. The stupid thing is, he’s not alone. He doesn’t have to struggle.


I need tea. August 31, 2014

The Tranquil Loon September 01, 2014

I am so far behind on reading everyone! So you and John are still on? Good news! I'm glad. Weddings are always so nice...

Glitter and Trauma The Tranquil Loon ⋅ September 02, 2014

John and I are still on, it's been a very difficult time but we seem to be surviving it, and the problems he's having aren't related to our relationship at all which is a relief. It's a long road to recovery I think but he's finally realised I'm not going anywhere. Xx

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