My new friend is leaving in Age 36

  • Nov. 4, 2023, 5:15 p.m.
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My brother in law has his lady friend from France over, Priya. I didn’t know what I was expecting when I first really met her and had to entertain her, but we actually got along really well. I posted before that I want a best friend like us girls used to have in elementary, middle school, or high school. And the way we got along, the conversations we had, there were a lot of laughs. She European so she was interesting to talk to. She has such a lively personality. She really is lovely.

Conversation was easy with her. She got along well in the family. And I know I barely know her, but I imagine its like dating. I would love to continue to get to know her. Problem is she’s leaving today. I know I can go and visit her and see her again, but the fact that she won’t be here so I can easily see her is sucky.

I at least got to know what a good friend feels like. I hope to feel this again.

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