It feels good in Age 36

  • Nov. 9, 2023, 5:14 a.m.
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Right now things feel good. I had a parent teacher conference since its that time of year, and I spoke to my son’s instructor. At the beginning of the school year he wasn’t doing so well. Easily distracted, disruptive in class, not turning in work. His dad and I buckled down with him at home. He’s been doing super great! He brings me home library books to read, he does well with little prompt on his math and reading work. But them I go to this meeting and she shows me that he is doing minimal work in class so she has nothing to assess.

He had come with me and on one of the assignments she showed me I asked him to read me the instructions. He was able to read them no problem. To say there was surprise on her face was an understatement. She was almost shocked. She stated that ‘What he just read…that’s more than he’s done in class.’ I felt great and bad a the same time. I know my boy is intelligent. I know that he’s capable of great things, now I just need to make him understand that his teacher needs to know these things.

So in a way, I felt good about that. That he’s actually doing great!

Moving on, its my dad’s 72nd birthday tomorrow. And as often as I can remember I thank my Lord that I have another year with him. People, especially those here in America and other modern western cultures, I feel don’t adequately care for their elders. I tell my dad and others that it will be a privilege to eventually change his diapers as he once did for me. That probably sounds comedic, but really its true. There are too many people who die young, 50s, 60s, hell even 70s. I want you all to know that if your parent is still able bodied, love the hell out of them. Visit them every day. Call them every day. These are the people that gave you all the fundamental things in your life, and hopefully, all the support you ever needed. I love my parents. I live about 7 mins away by car. 20 on bike. I see them almost every day. And I love that I do.

Things are well for the most part with my husband. Things are well with my siblings. My job. But as always, there is that feeling of the other shoe dropping. I will try to bask in the beauty of the moment. Thank you Lord for this time of no trials or tribulations.

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