I Ain't...(Update X's Two) in Hello

  • July 29, 2023, 12:23 p.m.
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Rest and relaxation, not leaving the house

Hours later…

Piggy Piggy
oink oink

So far I’ve eaten a ham and roast beef sandwich, a slice from last night’s meatloaf and I just polished off a bowl of Greek yogurt mixed with blueberries, strawberries and a nut and fruit trail mix.

Still loafing in my boxers, debating on an Icee but it’s super hot outside. I might just lay here and go back to sleep instead. Having no plans is awesome! Eh, I can’t really say that. It’s just been a very busy week and now I need to decompress and chill.

Currently watching the Three Stooges on METV. Good ole slapstick humor.
Nyuck nyuck nyuck

8:46 PM
I did leave the house, twice. First for an Icee and second for a pizza from Marco’s. Ordered the Deluxe which is basically the works. I ate almost the whole pizza. This is what happens first few days of not drinking, I’m a bottomless pit for food.

Now I’m back on my couch chilling. I’m feeling a bit tired and may try to crash early tonight.

Last updated July 29, 2023

Sleepy-Eyed John July 29, 2023

those days are great!

J.E. Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ July 29, 2023

Yes they are!

Nocturne July 29, 2023

Relax... I'm doing shit too... actually. Heh.

J.E. Nocturne ⋅ July 29, 2023

Ugh...be lazy!

Nocturne J.E. ⋅ July 30, 2023

Heh. :)

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