My Lunch Date With Charles Manson in Hello

  • July 28, 2023, 1:31 p.m.
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  • Public

Court today. It didn’t go too well but I’m still a free man. Suffice to say I don’t want to talk about it.

My ritual for after court is to hit up Tenders and get lunch. Swear to everything holy there was a guy in there that was the spitting image of Charles Manson sans the swastika tattoo on the forehead. It was a little unnerving.

My body is absolutely worn out today. I’ve been go go go all week now I’m ready to sleep for a week. Alas I can’t. Gotta go by Walgreens and pick up more glucose test strips for mom.

That reminds me, when I took her to the doc yesterday the hospital didn’t send him ANYTHING about her stay and diabetes. I was so fucking pissed. That level of incompetence is stunning! (She didn’t have a very good stay there.) Ugh, I don’t want to think about it.

Took two Tylenol knock offs, just waiting for them to kick in. I think after the pharmacy I’m going to take a nap.

Tonight’s dinner comes from the Betty Crocker Diabetic Cookbook. Glazed meatloaf. I’ll post a recipe later.

In the meantime, ✌️ y’all.

Sleepy-Eyed John July 28, 2023

Both Charles Manson and the Unabomber were schizophrenic. Although schizophrenics in general are more likely to be victims of violence than to perpetrate violence.

J.E. Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ July 28, 2023


Nocturne July 28, 2023

Wow. That is pretty far out. :o Better days will be here b4 you know!

J.E. Nocturne ⋅ July 28, 2023

Thanks, I hope so.

Nocturne J.E. ⋅ July 28, 2023

Keep on believing that things will look up and they will. :D

Ferret Mom July 28, 2023

At least you got court
OVER with.

Most hospitals and doctors are awful. Incompetence is the norm.

J.E. Ferret Mom ⋅ July 28, 2023

Yeah. Over with till I have to go next month. Sigh

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