more end of July, why not in idea barrages

  • July 31, 2014, 8:08 p.m.
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1.) I'll say this for Octomom, if she ever did a kickstarter, you know she'd be able to make the stretch goals.

2.) I don't think any vampire Batman story has ever ended by Robin defeating him while yelling "Holy WATER, Batman!" But one should.

3.) Whenever the news refers to a "radical cleric" I still imagine a dude with a long white beard wearing shades & jam shorts atop a skateboard.

4.) Scientists predict that within 15 years there will be a book published that isn't geared toward the YA niche. For adults and everything!

5.) I feel like even Applebees isn't even cheesy enough to call them "Appletizers".

6.) My newest so-stupid-it-would-probably-work idea is The Care Beers. Just a straight-up Care Bear themed set of microbrews.

7.) These Time Warner Cable ads where a guy just breaks into homes and businesses to pitch their stuff are subtly as creeps as hell.

8.) Less Macklemore is more, ironically enough. Because he is terrible.

9.) We should spread a rumour ISIS is demanding everyone sing that "Motorin'" song as "Sister Islam" just to see if Teabaggers will fall for it.

10.) Germany will continue to dominate in soccer for years until they make the mistake of playing Russia in winter.

11.) To be fair, if they had called Grindr "Homophone" it would've been goddamned brilliant.

12.) I still haven't finished my parody of Dankeschein about Lankershim.

Squidobarnez July 31, 2014

I would probably drink at least one Care Beer on my birthday (since that's the day I let myself have a beer).

I hope you're having an awesome now.


M August 01, 2014

Homophone is hilarious.

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