so hopeless in 2014

  • March 20, 2014, 1 a.m.
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So I don't really want to do that thing where I'm only talking about one single topic all the time [ie: boy] but I can't help myself.
Do I say that enough these days? heh.

Of course it's going to be about CK, because who else do I see on an almost constant basis. More frequently now than last year. He hits up the coffee shop quite often; presumably for work on the internet. Like this morning: I peeked out the window to see his big blue truck pulling into the parking lot. I do try not to be too obvious about staring out the window considering my mother already gives me a hard time about it [and she knows nothing about any feelings I may or may not have towards the subject....].

When he walked by, she was on the phone and she called out my name to look out the window. Later asking if I'd seen him.

I decided I would stay up front at my desk so as not to miss him on his way out. Maybe knock on the glass, or wave, or use the excuse to ask him about Finch's truck. But despite my best efforts, I did in fact miss him. Saw every other old man and woman that walked through the parking lot, but some how he slipped by me. I didn't notice until I heard his truck start up [I'm not kidding about that things' uniquely loud sound]. So bummed! I was so prepped to chat him up today [looking very nice in my current outfit!] and I didn't get the opportunity. Doesn't that always feel like a waste?

I'm not sure what keeps him from coming in here to say hi. I mean the UPS guy does it almost every day. Even just opening the door and yelling at us. haha. CK at least has the excuse of being a very close acquaintance or whatever. At this point I think he qualifies for that, if nothing else. Especially after inviting him to come look at the car with me. I wouldn't have done that with anyone else from the office. Oh well though. What can I do? I'm certainly not going to chase him around. I'm still a traditional lady. =]

sigh I'm so hopeless in this situation. Just endure my rambling for now and some day I promise to make it up to you!

There isn't much of anything else to tell you about. Work has slowed down ever so slightly. I can't get rid of this stupid incessant cough. Sleeping all day sounds nice. I'd really like to work on my garden plans. I hope I can follow through with at least one of the things I've been talking about lately. Life is pretty great. I've stuck with this new mindset that I discovered last year and it's serving me quite well.

By the way, I think I'm months away from getting the Blue Bird to eat out of my hand. He/she has gotten close, but I think it's more my hesitation than his. The idea of those claws landing on my arm freak me out a bit. Like even when butterflies get too close I panic a little. haha.

The other day Mom went out into the backyard and carried some peanuts around for a while. The Blue Bird never showed up. I went out later that afternoon, she handed me what was in her pocket, and maybe like a minute later he flew over. All I was doing was talking loudly to Mom who was in the house. I hadn't even made it out to the back-backyard, which is where I usually throw the peanuts. It was kind of crazy actually that he was on this side of the fence. And he does that now whenever we're sitting in that area. So I'm pretty sure that means I've got him trained enough to recognize our voices. =) I also realize I'm such a nerd for thinking this is totally cool.

I don't do it every day because I don't want wild animals to become dependent on humans for food. They'd die during the season when I work like four or five weeks straight and don't even see the backyard. Still fun though. My brother and I seem to have this strange connection with animals. I've always believed that. I wanted to be just like the horse whisperer when I was little! Well, I pretty much wanted ANYTHING to do with horses when I was little. haha.

My brain is failing to come up with any other random topics to discuss so off I go. Back to work.


Last updated July 21, 2014

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