stuck in 2014

  • March 19, 2014, 1 a.m.
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I don't actually have very much to say. I'm stuck at work for a while because we have a late appointment. There isn't much for me to do at the end of the day. I've already done most of the paperwork I could try my hand at.

Hmmm....I'm just now realizing that my brain's not functioning enough to come up with any good stories.....

We're babysitting the kids this weekend. Did I mention that already? I am looking forward to it since they're awesome and they're basically raised the same way I would probably raise any future kids God would like to give me. They are a lot of fun and also full of all the energy that three boys under the age of 6 are full of. I've been trying to come up with games and/or activities for the evening. I mean we're only going to be there for a few hours, probably up until bedtime or so, but refer to the above mentioned energy for all the reasons why I'm planning ahead.

I went to the dollar store today [man I love that place for little gifts and goodies!] and bought a cowboy coloring book. I have to go back for 2 more so that they each have their own. I don't want the whole "I'm never going to share" thing to come up. Plus I bought balloons. They LOVE balloons! Even just the other day they stopped by and P asked if I had any available. So I'll head over with a pack of 25 and see how long they last. haha. I actually always loved that game where you don't let the balloon touch the ground. You know the one? And I think that would be a ton of fun to play with them if they're willing. Split into teams or something. We'll see how it goes though. They might just want to sit and watch movies all evening. [Not a fan, but they're not my kids] Actually if it's still light outside I would love to convince them to play and run everywhere. I'd even consider the jump onto the trampoline if they promise not to let me die. ;-)

Either Melissa, or Jeremy, or whoever is going to come pick me up early from work. I'll watch them on my own after they leave and until Mom gets in after work. I'm ever so slightly hesitant about this fact but I think it'll be fine. I told Melissa I'd hog-tie them in the middle of the living room if they got out of hand. They're tiny so I could probably hold them all together at once, although they're quite feisty!

You'll probably hear all the updates after the fact. I'm sure there will be plenty. As long as they don't make me watch Smokey and the Bandit six times in a row, it'll be a fantastic time.

Shoot. It feels like my neck is freezing up and I might be getting sick again. This is not a good thing! I haven't been able to permanently get rid of this cough that I've had and it's driving me nuts. I want to be 100% healthy again, or at least as 100% as I'm used to being on a daily basis.


Last updated July 21, 2014

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