77 in idea barrages

  • July 7, 2014, 3:13 p.m.
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  • Public

1.) Crop circles are just bored farmers walking on boards all night in their fields. But, really, it is even more lovely that way.

2.) Floyd "Time" straight into "Hotel California", huh? Radio gods, I get the message though I have to say you are hella unsubtle.

3.) When applying for a job working the griddle, you could do worse than having a sizzle reel.

4.) Catholic mass is a classic case of association-by-guilt.

5.) It is my fondest hope that whoever comes next after we destroy ourselves mistakes POPEYE as our major religious system.

6.) With the coming end of SEX VAMPIRES SHOW, I imagine I'll have to put up with even more status updates about SEX THRONES SHOW.

7.) And by applying the mutated bacteria to the nation's supply of quarters, the CDC unleashed upon us... Pac-Man Fever.

8.) A field of big fluffy sheep is the calm before the shorn.

9.) A parody about Battlefield Earth "I Enjoy Being A Terl"?

Ferret Mom July 07, 2014

Ha ha this is great!

Squidobarnez July 07, 2014

excellent work here, Mike.

my favourite is #8.

I hope you're enjoying your now.


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