Clinical Idiots in Current Events

  • Nov. 15, 2022, 1:31 p.m.
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I called in sick today. I have a slight cough and I don’t need the germ puritans making things weird. Toni, my roommate, it sounds like her body went into a detox also. That’s all the flu is. Our bodies can’t change their filters, it has to clean them out. The way menstrual cycles sync, so can people’s healing mechanisms. It looks like contagion. There are many factors that create conditions that give the illusion of contagion. Long story short, I’m selfish and I hope that Toni doesn’t call in sick today. I want a day to myself.

I woke up in the middle of the night soaked in sweat. My body used my skin to push out toxic waste. My cough is pushing out toxic waste. My runny nose? More toxic waste. My watery eyes? Expelling toxic waste. My fever? Breaking down toxic waste. All the areas that are sore and swelling? Repairing damage from the toxic waste. It’s not virus possession. This is all a healing process. If I suppress the symptoms, my body cannot heal. They are meant to be supported. Otherwise, all of that waste will sink deeper into my tissues. This will create chronic illness later. From joint pain to obesity to diabetes, to everything and beyond.

The medical religion has a big pharma bible system called Disease Category. Every symptom becomes an entire disease. They refuse to accept that the body is the cure, it is the healer. They will intervene and create more problems which will have more big pharma solutions. Their system is designed to make them narcissists. They’re not the healer, your body is. They earnestly believe that everybody is pharmaceutical deficient. This entire healthcare system is just an obvious repurposed system of priestcraft.

The necromancers have yet to isolate a virus. The medical priests have yet to replicate disease with it. No matter how many times you repeat news points, that objective fact does not change. The best they can do is change the definition. The cannibals, via vaccines, are consuming the cells and tissues of babies that were sacrificed in the wombs for the $cience gods in vain. Immunology is not salvation. We cannot become immune to the consequences of abusing our bodies.

People are waking up to germ theory. It’s dead. Dr. Stefan Lanka buried it, he laid it to rest. There was no funeral, of course. Does a multi-trillion-dollar industry just stop because it is debunked? People are trying to take their health back, their bodies back, and their power back but this system we are forced into at birth is narcissistic. It’s abusive and manipulative, it gaslights, teaches us all helplessness and makes us believe that we cannot live without it but it is this system that cannot live without us. Now, these cultists are afraid of free thinkers and doers. Heretics we are to them. They say conspiracy theorists now. Misinformation is the new term for blasphemy. It’s so hard to witness people fail so hard to… think. We don’t have to come to the same conclusions, just develop some discernment skills. How are people still using talking points from the news in this information age? We can inform ourselves now.

The NPCs are self-harming. It’s hard to witness. Wetiko, it’s a native American term to describe the psychological disease that makes people too dumb to know they’re dumb and has them act against their own best interest. They cannot produce an original thought. The consequences of that have been catastrophic but that is only the beginning. They are too demoralized to process any true information. They are out of touch and a threat to all and not just themselves.

Australia stated the obvious, booster shots have a higher risk of myocarditis than con-19. Miscarriages increased by over 5000% also. Sudden adult death syndrome is just a random new phenomenon? We’re all still pretending that it was a medical messiah that came to save us. After all this time, people still don’t suspect anything wrong with what was done to us in the last few years? They’re that out of touch with their own discernment?

Gas chambers are so 1945, it’s all about vaccines right now. It’s slow, there’s room for deniability and it comes liability free. Just don’t do any studies so that it can be said that there is no evidence that it isn’t safe. Just keep suppressing studies that say otherwise. You fund the politicians and the media, they got you babez. I can see the rest of the world waking up and talking about the damage but here in Chinada, they double down on the propaganda and pass legislation to regulate what we see online. The liberals and cable news watchers clap like seals thinking it is all for the greater good. They’re building the narrative for masks and lockdowns again, naturally. Problem, reaction, solution.

Terrain theory doesn’t support a good business model. People actually heal and they don’t need to keep coming back. They don’t need highly addictive, patentable, patrueloeum-based drugs to heal when they’re in a nation with access to nutrition. We just need to decontaminate our bodies and balance our nutritional deficiencies. I want to have my own naturopath clinic anyway. I want to start a non-profit where we teach terrain theory to indigenous communities so they can take their healing back. Colonizers didn’t bring disease, they brought western medicine and lunacy. We are now a society that calls eating correctly dieting. Moving correctly is exercise. Being in nature is recreation. Health doesn’t exist the way we were taught. It’s not a salvation we are supposed to be chasing. It’s our factory setting. Disease is just dis’ease. Healing isn’t supposed to be fun. We are supposed to learn from the pain to stop being stupid.

I’m just ranting. I saw a TikTok of somebody with excess body fat showing off his pantry and saying that he has OCD. Nah, bro, you have O-B-CD. You need to make better choices in life. We just made the whole world responsible for you. You can’t even parent yourself into a better lifestyle. Your character is weak and the world isn’t to blame for that. My frustration started before that. I overheard somebody the other day saying that fast food is cheaper than healthy food. For the price of a large fry and drink, you can get a sac of potatoes and then somewhere we are. They live in denial. In Excuseland. This individual is one who demands the world bend to them to protect them from an invisible demon that has been possessing people. A demon that is a half bat and half pangolin… Jesus christ people. How do we fall for this shit over and over again?

When I’m a naturopath, the people who come to see me will be people with the capacity to create change. I won’t have to fight with their programming too hard.

Ok, whatever. Looks like Toni is going to work today. Great! We had a long weekend, she doesn’t go anywhere or do anything and in my last entry, we saw how much I enjoyed that. All I know for sure, in regard to what I plan to do today, is study. I’m still going to class this evening.

Last updated November 15, 2022

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