Phew.. in The Devil Beneath My Feet

  • June 24, 2014, 7:31 a.m.
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So yesterday was Eric's sister Colleen's due date, or, would have been her due date had Killian not died at 7 months. Inexplicably. Nobody really knows why she died, and if Colleen or Mike know, they're not telling and I certainly won't be asking.

Eric and I forgot all about it. People and their babies just....don't really occur to us. Even when it's family. We're not interested in the fact that they're pregnant from the get go, so to be expected to remember a due date that never turns into a birthday, probably never going to happen.

In any case it was sad that her baby died, everyone was heartbroken for them, myself included. Colleen would have been a wonderful mother. But they were going to name her Killian after Lake Killian, so I guess they spent the day there yesterday, making memories.

Eric's youngest sister Lysandra saved the day by swooping in and ordering flowers for Colleen to be delivered.

She included Eric, me, and Darby on the tag.

Cannot thank her enough. She really didn't have to do that, that was really nice of her.

I have to make a note of when her birthday is and get her something cool.

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