Entryception in Current Events

  • Sept. 25, 2022, 8:17 a.m.
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I have a problem with procrastination and avoidance. I put off going back to school for over a decade. To be fair, I did not have a career path that I wanted to pursue. I found my passion in the middle of that transfer of wealth that we called a pandemic. However, the vaccine inquisition had me living in exile. I still have some trauma from that but I decided to make my move now while I can. I’m just taking Adult-Ed courses this year to get my prerequisites. There is a career counsellor on site, somebody that can help me chart my course but I will cross that bridge a little later on in the semester. I’m only thinking small and not thinking too far ahead. If I think too big I will overwhelm myself.

Naturopathy is the career path. It uses terrain theory which is the antithesis of germ theory. There is no blending of the two. There is no middle point. They are not compatible for a second. Allopathic medicine suppresses symptoms and naturopathic medicine supports symptoms. Symptoms, in both theories, are performing something so why would it make sense to anyone to turn them off? It should be simple logic and reason that if we put things in our bodies that don’t belong there, our bodies will have to remove the waste and repair the damage. That’s all that it does. Disease category, which is what mainstream doctors use, complicates what is happening in the body. I’ll be cleaning up the damage that was done to us by big pharma with my patients. Literally, I’ll be cleaning out the terrain and balancing deficiencies so that people can actually heal. We are in our own way. Holistic healing 101: the body is the cure, it does the healing and not the practitioner.

Body Image
My body is changing. My bodyweight exercises are getting me results. I could do more, of course. The problem is that I don’t want to end up with body dysmorphia. Almost everybody on a fitness journey has body dysmorphia. Those that show before pictures put their mental illness on full display. They show an image of themselves that they believe was never worthy of love and respect. It’s supposed to be inspiring but it’s actually very sad and hard to witness.

This is me before my fitness goals. This is me after I achieved my goals but with body dysmorphia.

I also find it menacing that we show off their physiques and call it health. That we call it natural. Spending 20 hours a week in a gym, doing movements that are unrealistic in the real world(s), and eating ridiculously restrictive is hardly natural. These people have ED, irregular periods, fertility issues, lethargy, brain fog, eating disorders, and body image issues, to name a few. There is a balance and many have found it. Mind, body and soul are what I am trying to take care of. I think I am avoiding counting my macros because I know that it will not be good for my mind to try and build a physique. However, I am going to try because I want to see if I can have the discipline.

Hair Loss/Inward Journey
Though I have stopped pretending that I am not experiencing hair loss I haven’t even lifted up my hair to inspect my hairline, fully. To be fair, I did have some slight dissociation with my reflection over the last few years. It wasn’t until this January that I was able to start looking in the mirror again. I have since recovered from my imposter syndrome, for the most part.

I started a self-improvement journey a few years ago where I committed to expanding inward instead of trying to expand outward, so to speak. It was the context of my life that was creating dramas and upsets for me and not so much the content of my life. People call this a spiritual journey or a spiritual awakening but I don’t like that term. It’s not palatable. A spiritual is a spear-ritual. A ritual of the spine in regards to the seven electrical resistors in our spines commonly know as chakras (shock-Ra). This “spiritual community” is not experiencing a true awakening, they are just experiencing epiphanies. They are not doing the work. Not doing it correctly at least. Myself included, though I am on that path. I digress, I cannot resist going on a tangent.

I died a thousand times on that journey. Anyone who has had to change a fundamental belief knows how painful that process is. When a belief structure dies one goes through all of the stages of grief. This is what we are all afraid of. It is not for the weak. All I achieved in life, up to that point, was mastering pretending that the pain wasn’t happening. One is not hurting when they drink, get high, have that affair, make that purchase, eat that junk food, build that physique, etc.

I couldn’t connect to people, places and things the same way after I started that inward journey. Everybody identified me as somebody that I no longer was. I felt like a stranger in my life. I have since worked that out. I have grown so much that I blow myself away.

I digress. I want to see a specialist for my hair loss. If this is the result of stress or toxemia then I want to correct it. If this is just a natural process for me then I will have an easier time accepting it. It started when I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Which happened multiple times over the last couple of years. I lost everything in the transfer of wealth. The con-19 cult demanded more and more sacrifice. I still have PTSD from the abuse this system put people like me through but I will work through it. We are not out of the woods by any means which is hard to carry around in my consciousness. If my five-year plan works out I will have my own clinic, be my own boss, I’ll have myself and my business in the private and away from public policies. I will be more sheltered from unlawful mandates.

Mandates are not laws, recommendations are not laws, policies are not laws, and public guidance are not laws. Nothing in the last few years was lawful. This cult, we call society, is diseased in the mind. They have Wetiko. It is a Native American term used to describe a psychospiritual germ that plagues the minds of men. These people are emotionally and cognitively hijacked and acting against their own best interests. It’s like being in a zombie apocalypse. I can replace one of these cultists with another and they will just say the same thing. It’s so hard to witness and it creeps me out.

Odour in The Court
I learned why I don’t have bad body odour. It’s a bacteria thing. I don’t eat animals or their squirts so I don’t have that bacteria problem. When I feel like I should stink the most I smell like citrus. I smell sweet. In other areas also which I will not get into, lol.

Side Quests
Today I need to fuck my shit up. I need to create a whole new set of habits. The goal is to create a lifestyle, or just a new set of habits, to support all of my side goals. I just bought five more books from the thrift store. I have a big pile of esoteric books to read. I found what was a the bottom of the rabbit hole and it is everything. This different set of physics is just gorgeous. It gives life meaning and value. However, it makes me a heretic to everything. A heretic to medicine, a heretic to the globe, a heretic to science, a heretic to religion, a heretic to politics, etc.

Modern Heretic will be my brand when I start making content for the socials. I’m a product of the times and witnessing the world around me and I want to talk about it. I’m a philosopher of the times. When I look at my birth chart, I look more like a shaman healer of the times. I don’t need titles, I just want to add truth and healing to the world. To serve God I need only serve others. I am ready to give my life to it. The world is going to need real guidance and real healing soon.

However, I cannot peel away from my phone. I cannot refrain from window shopping and I cannot refrain from making purchases that are not urgent. I cannot resist letting myself be radically distracted. I’m caught in my habits. The ones I created to feel a fake sense of control. I am not in control, my fears are. I create ways to feel like I am the one behind the wheel. I will win, I will overcome this. Someday, hopefully today lol. Like right now. Abra Cadabra! I am now in control of my life…

Memory Lane
My sister is coming by this afternoon with her kids. She wants to walk around our old neighbourhood. I am not a sentimental person, nor do I get nostalgic but whenever I feel lost I do like to walk in my old neighbourhood. Nostalgia is just a time when we knew our place. I live by our old area, she will barely recognize it.

I found this playlist, it’s pretty awesome. Considering that I have stopped listening to regualr music for the last couple of years. Music today isn’t saying anything. I stopped listening to music in English. Been listening to anything that has a tribal vibe, that can wake up my ancestors, so to speak. I just want music to emote, at the very least. Music today fails at that. Maybe I’m just too old. Life shouldn’t be a Taylor Swift song at my age. Life isn’t just relationships and breakups. I’m not a kid anymore. This playlist popped up out of nowhere and it makes me feel some type of way. Makes me feel like my old self. Connected to my old self, in a way. Anyway, I am done my coffee. Time to get my life right and open a bible.

Clinically Pathetic
My roommate just woke up. She wasted no time to get high. This is so hard to witness. She’s clinically pathetic. She has zero control of her life because she has zero control of herself. She cannot control her mind, her emotions, her impulses and so on. It affects me. It’s like I am taking care of a child when we are the same age. I have to do everything she doesn’t feel like doing. She is plagued with loneliness because she is afraid of the truth.

Nobody is coming. Nobody is coming to make us turn our phones off and go for a walk. Nobody is coming to make us finish our vegetables. Nobody is coming to make us feel better when we are down. Nobody is coming to make us do the things we don’t feel like doing. We have to parent ourselves. The best version of ourselves is not somebody without limits. The best version of ourselves is somebody with parameters. She refuses to grow up and be responsible, response-able, so she feels lonely. Nobody is coming to fulfill her needs. To make her get her life right.

Her lifestyle has become so toxic that she is losing her hair. Not in the way I am. She has alopecia. I know it is because her body needs to detox all of the toxic waste she accumulated from being fully vaccinated against a make belief virus. Virus possession is not representative of reality. There is no isolated virus of any kind and no study that has successfully replicated disease with it. If you want me to be wrong then just produce an isolated virus and a study that replicated disease with it. Until then, it remains irrevocably debunked by terrain theory. This happened in the Supreme Court in Germany last year or so. Medical science had its chance to prove that a virus causes disease and it failed miserably. The virologist, Dr. Stefan Lanka, who took them to court proved that disease was caused by introducing toxic waste to the body’s environment. Nobody wants to lose a superstitious fundamental belief about virus possession because then they would have to accept the cold hard truth that germ theory is a sinister business model that rigs our bodies the way a corrupt autobody shop would rig our vehicles to ensure continued business. Anyway, I went on a tangent agent. My roommate thinks that she is hiding her alopecia from me but she is not.

She’s too void of self-awareness to ever change. This was me just a few years ago. It’s hard to see it in front of me like this. When I get upset with her I know that I am out-picturing myself. I’ve tried to inspire her to change but she is inflexible. She’s a Taurus stuck in their toxic attributes. My rising is Taurus and those negative attributes have been the bane of my existence. I am a Capricorn with very little starting power. My Birth chart has equal parts Scorpio to Capricorn which is just more inflexible fixed sign energy. I’m not a balanced Cardinal. A structured one, yes, but I need to restructure myself completely. I can see it in my birth chart, where my negative attributes are. I can use my chart to grow strength and wisdom. Which can only be gained the hard way for me because Saturn is my ruler. Unlike those ruled by Jupiter who seem to have it all come easy to them. They are powerful manifestors. Saturn is the devil. Well, Capricorn is the devil because it is ruled by Saturn who is the literary Satan. Saturn is the one that creates conditions for us. It is the last stop before we exit the temporal plane. It’s a whole different physics lesson where matter is light slowed down. We live in an electromagnetic field, a hologram where the field is God… I digress again!

She’s too dumb to know that she is dumb. If you think something is stupid because you don’t understand it then you are the stupid one. People with extra chromosomes can’t even think that low. Imagine being so stupid that you think everything and everyone is stupid. Those are the dumbest people alive. Polarizing with them about anything is a complete waste of time. The more you explain things to them the dumber you sound because they can’t keep up. They are demonic. They’re narcissistic.

Whatever, in a hundred years we will all be dead and nobody is going to remember us so fuck it.

Last updated September 25, 2022

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