Chantix Dream #4 in The Devil Beneath My Feet

  • June 10, 2014, 2:43 p.m.
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If I could take Chantix just for the weird dreams I'd take it forever.

I think I met Satan again, or a demon, or something ludicrous like that.

In any case this time was stranger than any, and this is going to be a very long entry, because I'm also going to explain the significance of the time 03:23 in my life.

This dream was the most unsatisfactory, albeit the strangest, because it was so short. I got home around 10:30 last night and didn't go to bed until about 11:30.

When the dream started I was walking behind a large, metal, storage building. Essentially a large airplane hanger, and behind me was a black ocean. It was dark, but the sun was up, and the sky was an overcast sort of grey, though there wasn't a cloud in it. I stopped to take in the scenery, dismal as it was, it had a sort of sad beauty to it. Black water crashed against the pier and it was extremely windy. I found a small rubber ball in a box next to a lamp post, and threw it at the building, it hit with a thud, bounced off the building and onto the ground, and from the ground back to the air, where I caught it and repeated the process.

I sort of lost myself in it, it was kind of cathartic. But then someone spoke behind me, and it scared me. I mean really scared me, not just startled, it was like a thousand people screamed bloody murder within my head even though all he said was "A mindless game, isn't it?" I gasped at the sudden terror and stood frozen for a moment, before realizing how silly it was to be so frightened by something as simple as not hearing someone approach. Still though, that sudden supernova of gut wrenching fear hurt, like thousands of people's screams forming a hot knife that impales your brain. Not a nice feeling.

When I turned to see who it was, I was looking at a man in a sharp suit, meticulously groomed and extremely, unbelievably handsome. Man of men, just a solid 10 no matter which way you look at him. What was more startling than that though, is that I fucking knew him. The same way I knew who the snake was in dream #2, it was the same person, but I DONT KNOW HIS NAME and I don't know where I know him from!

This realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and I said to him "I knew you weren't a snake." And he laughed, exactly the same as the snake. So I said "it is a mindless game, but it's kind of cathartic in a way, something about it is relaxing." He said "you don't seem very relaxed to me." I was breathing hard from chasing the ball. I asked his name, and he said nothing. I went to ask again and his demeanor changed, he wasn't smiling anymore "Wake up. You need to wake up now." I asked why, he said "You absolutely must wake up now, right now, stop this and wake up." It was then I noticed the wind had stopped and the air was just hanging there.

And I woke up to the glowing red digital numbers 3:23 staring me in the face.

You know what. I don't really feel like writing about 3:23 right now.

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